
Monday, January 21, 2013


       You count time incorrectly in your world. AD, BC, are made up stop points on the timeline of real lifestory which is neither his-story nor hers, but ours.
       Death is nothing.
       You can live forever in the flesh if you like, or stop playing whenever you're done, & also resume once again whenevcr you like.

       Of course you do live forever on the vibrational level of life...but even in the denser flesh realm of passionate play as womb-beings, death is nothing.
       This is all by choice & what you call death does not need to involve any sort of mishap or illness. You merely allow your vibration to alter from the lower range that produces denseness, towards the higher, faster realms of Spirit, & voila, you are here no more, but always still exist as part of the whole.

       This is inviolable.
       It can never change.
       You can change form, but you can never not be, in one vibrational form or another, even if the form is lighter than air.

       Some of you call this ascension, which is more or less accurate though it has nothing to do with religion, & everything to do with what Is, i.e. You, the Divine, expressing itself now here, now there, as you will it.

       Teletransportation is the same.
       Now here, now there, but only in another spot in the same realm.
       Whereas ascension (formerly known as death) you leave one specific realm for the larger whole of what is, Life.
       The Landscape of Life.

       As is Time.
       So really how can one clock it?

       We understand why you picked an arbitrary point, but there are other larger points that would help you make more sense of things, i.e. geological cataclysms that document transitions on your planet.
       Or Golden Ages that reflect the best of how you've lived so far, the Wombeing, pre-male mutation era being one fine example. ;)

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