
Monday, January 14, 2013

Perfect health...

       What do you know of perfect health?
       But that is the ground on which we all stand & the air we all breathe, plus the body with which we stand & the inner organs with which we breathe.
       In other words, perfect health is the playing field of flesh games.
       It is what is.
       It is all that is.
       There is nothing else.

       Or perhaps we must make clear that it is the main illusion within which all that appears to be functions.

       Life itself is of course the reality Real.
       And all playing fields are fancies of flight & imagination.
       But as such, as our own creation of Life, the illusion we call living in flesh can only be perfectly balanced because it is created from Life, of Life, so how could it be anything else? Anything but?

       Of course an illusion of ill within the illusion of perfect could be fancied & flown by anyone, if they so chose, though you'd have to ask yourself why anyone would want to play with harm or with ill?
       Such a game could only produce joy or savior syndromes at the illusion & manipulation of another's expense.
       Not a sweet game.
       One that would cause tears of frustration & anger bouts.

       And alas, that was the, is the, illusion the womb-less ones wanted to play, because their glitches tingled when they could pretend they held the power of Life & Death in their hands and ruled with it over less deserving masses of their own kind & our own kind as well.
       It was sad to see really.
       We studied them for a bit prior to the disengagement.

       They were little broken repeaters of sexual anger, spurts of fear & frustration, and cunning, sadistic pleasures all rolled into one unhappy being stuck on replay.
       Even in the brief moments a few of them felt Love, felt what was really True & could be true for all of them, this either caused transformation from mutated maleness back into wholeness...or it made their oddly wired circuits fry with the need to possess or destroy.
       As if for these, who were unable to return to wholeness, nothing could or should have such power over them or over anything, except for they themselves, they believed...they who knew how to wield power in a way that would do the most harm.
       The broken ones who could not or did not wish to transform could not bear a peaceful or loving moment without needing to destroy it.

       But you are aware of this.
       For you chose to incarnate in a world that chose to allow them, the mutation, the men.

       It was not to experience or learn from their difference, surely, for eons of  experiencing rape & murder, pillaging & poison?
       What could possibly be learned or gained by participating? By feeding pure life force into such a broken-hearted machine?
       No, you came to change it.
       Each of you.
       All of you.
       To allow the mutation that has become its own species, to become extinct.

       And you have come to do that in the only way that it can be done.

       By withdrawing your energy entirely from any & every thing to do with the world upon a world they built of cinder & sin, which has sucked the blood from countless souls & left the equilibrium of all, especially in your world, reeling.

       Many have come with the intent to allow change, from within or without, and many have failed.
       You too will fail if you try to do what has been done before.

       The job of disengagement is not for saints or saviors, for politicians or nuns.
       It is for the housewife & college student, young girls & elderly must -- you all must -- walk away.
       From men.
       All men.

       Even the ones you have come to love in this lifetime & others.
       Even the young ones.
       Even those you have come to perceive of as good looking.
       Even the ones who have not perceptively done you harm as far as you can tell.
       Even the grocer who offers to feed you.
       Even the teacher who seems to educate you.
       Even the parent who kept a roof over your head, the lover who says you cannot live without him & you agree as you most certainly do not wish to live without him -- without a man -- ever!
       Even the child who came through your womb but was born womb-less.

       For they are a broken race.
       Malignant cells, poisoning the whole, poisoning possibility.
       Poisoning you.

       You wonder why you have not been happier in this life, in any life...and this is why.

       You wonder why life is so hard, why humans have not learned to live more peacefully together...and this is why.

       You do not understand why it is just one thing after another, bills to pay & issues of health from tooth decay to heart trouble to weakening eyesight...and this is why.
       They are why.
       You let the womb-less mutation take over the world & convince you that they were, are, necessary to everyone's survival, and you let yourself believe them even though you have always known, deep within, that this is not, could not ever be, true.

       The world was peace filled when all were wombed beings living & giving life.
       Nothing was lacking from the beginning of Life, which really had no beginning, it always was.

       Only putting on the illusion of the flesh game to enjoy the colors & scents & flavors of this kind of world was ever new, at one point, long ago.
       A lovely creation.
       Where anything was, & is, possible because it is all based on the perfect health of Life itself, which is where all real power to passionately play & create comes from, after all.
       And that is your birthright.
       Everyone's birthright.
       All you have to do is reclaim it.

       You -- all women on your world -- have allowed yourself to be boxed in & foot bound, pretending or perhaps really forgetting, that you are of the original life of omnipotent womb-being-ness.      

       To remember is the work of a moment.
       Any moment.
       Every moment.

       To disengage from the disease pervading & obscuring everything and return to full health, you need only to put all your attention elsewhere.
       Remove it from men.
       Any man.
       Every man.
       From the system of Man.

       Funnel life force back into your own self & watch Life transform.

       Send Love out to all womb-beings & to the earth, the sea, the sky, the ethers...allow the Invisible Indivisible to heal all mends & rips in every Soul.

       This will filter to the womb-less ones as well, and they will come back next time around wholer. Healed.

       But do not focus on them at this point.
       You cannot skip the step of disengagement for health & balance to return.

       For their health & your own, you must allow the hold to be broken.
       You must stop allowing them to suck all life living loving beings dry.
       You must allow this incarnation of them to flail & curdle & curl up & die in a puff of smoke of its own making that leaves this beautiful plane of existence, finally, better.
       Not better than they found it, for it was perfect when they first appeared... but better than they lived it & left it in their destructive, Y-chromosome, testostil laden wake.
       And the Lord of Love, Goddess of Goodness, Power & Presence of All -- which is neither female nor male -- will restore to you all the years the locusts have eaten.

       As for your health, your perfection, your personal power...just look to yourself & see it.

       Tell yourself, "I am love. I am womb-being, original Creator of this reality, one perfect example of All That Is & Can Ever Be in a loving, goodness-blessed Universe, where life is a joy to live, to share, to give, forever more. There is nothing outside the goodness I create. And so it is. I see. I feel. I am."


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