
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hearts meant to sing...

       Somewhere in the Universe it is tomorrow...

       Be not a slave to calendar nor clock.  You do realize that is the intent?

       What is needed is not a strict adherence to time, but rather to: affection.

       You need it.
       You all need it.
       Your bodies crave it.
       Our flowers unfurl when touched with love.

       But here's the tricky thing -- it can't be from just anyone. The hugs & cuddles, strokes & head rubs, shoulder & foot massages must come from compatible, desirable, other souls in bodies that share a mutually sweet affection with yours.

       Being touched by those you find distasteful, or vice versa, is poisonous.
       It is anti-affection.
       And like too much alcohol, it can kill.

       (Yes, we know, there is no death. However one can lose one's sense of life in a lifetime...& wouldn't it be better, instead, to fully live?)

       It goes without saying that sensual pleasure, sexuality, follows the same ideas as for health, does it not?

       Never share your pillow or your soul with anyone who does not make your heart sing, & vice versa.

       And for those of you who have not yet ever heard your hearts sing, don't worry, you can't miss it when it happens.

       The trick is to be sure the other person's heart is genuinely singing too. i.e. they don't just fancy a quick release of pleasure fluid or a grope of your angles or curves.

       Heart singing has a bit to do with pleasure fluids, angles & curves, but much more to do with hearts & souls creating beautiful music together.

       Your song is worth waiting for.


       Find the right partner.
       Be sure.
       And then wait no more.


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