
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Secrets of the Universe...

     You calculate time incorrectly because you have been taught to think of both the world & yourselves as too small.
       The world, all worlds, are infinite.
       As are you.
       Even in the flesh you could live as long as you like.
       People used to live much longer on your plane, thousands of years, then hundreds, & now only one hundred, if you're lucky.
       Why do you suppose this is?

       Who does it serve for people to come, lead miserable striving lives, only to die, often painfully, expensively, usually somewhere between 60-90 years "old," without ever having fully lived?

       Who indeed.
       Really no-one.
       As Infinite Beings one & all, this was a silly game to ever undertake.
       But never underestimate the effects of imbalance.
       That missing ¼ of a ½ of a chromosome, metaphorically speaking, is important.
       Without it, we wobble precariously, unhappily, always striving for a peaceful equilibrium that can never be as it is against the nature of a wobble, unbalanced by definition.

       Here's a secret.
       I will say it, & you will immediately feel its truth, shocking as that may sound...some of you are not dying in 100 years or less.
       Some of you are living to be 100's & 1000's of years "old."
       Others of you are leaving & returning in different bodies, all memories in tact, to continue on the work of maintaining the current illusion within an illusion that's been going on for the time since the mutation metastasized & took over.

       Some of you remember that this can be done, & wish the rest of you NOT to remember that it can be done by anyone, by all, even by you.

       Things would be very different in your world if you all knew you could come & go from material manifestation as you pleased, without need for money or passports or citizenship papers or birth certificates or a job or anyone's permission at all, wouldn't they?

       Yes indeed.

       The entire fabric of everyone's life here would become easier & more fun.

       The only difficulties would be ones anyone chose to enjoy, physically scaling a challengingly high mountain, say, or putting pen to paper long enough to write a book.

       But everything else, surviving, would be easy.

       Because here's another secret: there's enough food right now to feed every single being forever...if indeed you continue to choose to need to eat.

       And this is not because of the grain -vs- cow grazing land debate, nor your dialogs about eating global -vs- eating local.

       This is because just as you can vibrate dense or less dense to be here or elsewhere, & just as you can recall that Infinite Beings are by definition healthy & therefore have no health problems, & can therefore continue to live just as long as they choose, whether that's 63 ½ years or 5268 ¾ years (or indefinitely, which is another way of saying Infinitely) can also manifest via vibratory focus whatever it is you would like to eat (or have).
       Just like you can be here or there, an apple can also be here (in the palm of your hand) or not here (not in the palm of your hand), as can a Coke or a glass of wine, or a burger, or broccoli, without any need for orchards or companies, vineyards, ranches, gardens or farms.

       Shifting one's vibration or the nature of density around things takes practice of course.
       Especially when one is rusty from years of believing such a thing could not possibly be possible.
       But most of you have already heard that such things ARE possible, at least for the most enlightened among you.
       Yogis & saviors & those struck by lightning who then suddenly begin speaking in tongues...The very same beings who generally say whatever amazing thing they are suddenly doing is also completely possible for all to not only do, but surpass with even greater expressions of creative passionate powerful force.

       Where you get stuck is thinking you too could really walk on water, or appear a sandwich in your palm without working to earn the right to purchase the ingredients, then make the effort of buying bread & fixings & slapping them together.

       You maybe know you SHOULD be able to.

       But should is different than actually can.

       And the difference can be summed up in one word: practice.

       Squirt a little oil of possibility onto the rusted gears in your beingness, & allow miracles to start popping up in your reality right left & center.

       A word about goodness:  if you are not in alignment with the highest good for all, you are not operating via wombeing creator force, and you can practice till the cows come home & nothing will manifest here or there.

       Ever wonder why men are constantly trying to invent devices or procedures to teletransport or shift the weather or vibrate enemies out of existence?
       Why it is said some clandestine organizations sacrifice to demons in order to turbocharge certain nefarious goals?
       Raising one's vibration to do what is natural for all wombeings means just that--raising vibration towards perfect expression--which can not be used for ill.
       End of story.

       Well, really, there is no end or beginning of this tale, but you know what we mean.

       You cannot safely vibrate yourself invisibly from here to there to spy on someone.
       Invasion of privacy is not anyone's divine birthright.

       Whereas enjoying a crisp juicy apple that has been created vibrationally just for you, by you, on a lovely hot summer day is everyone's right to enjoy, so go ahead, please do. Guilt free.

       You are beginning to see it now, aren't you?
       The possibilities?
       The fact that the world, your world, could be much better, & easier, than it is.
       For everyone.

       No one ever has to lose.
       We can all win.
       Here, there & everywhere.

       And there is no need to wait for someone to make this possible or teach you how it's done.
       YOU are the one you've been waiting for.

       So, begin.

       Practice makes perfect.

       You are a perfect being.
       Even if that has not been obvious till now.

       It can become so.
       It will become so.
       It is so.

       Male or female, if you move off this incorrect point of reference & return to the Law of One, to the beingness that creates, sustains & enjoys all Life, it is yours.

       No one can keep it from you, no matter how much they try.

       Carry on.

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