
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

One-legged wonder...

            In easily explained genetic terms, picture an X. It can stand. It is surefooted, 2 feet, 2 arms, just like us.
       Then picture a Y. It is missing a leg, incomplete. It cannot stand on its own.
       That is why an X and a Y together is unbalanced.
       And why the Y must suck from the X, or so it thinks.

       Really, it could just finish its self creation & be complete.
       Then it would neither suck, nor prey, nor feel a need to bluster a superior status it does not own...with all lack & limitation spun & posed from this one tiny imbalance that could so easily be corrected.

       In your world today, womb-beings whine that they love men, would miss them, need them, etc. entirely missing the point.
       Whole beings are able to take any form pleasing to them in any moment. They are not stuck in one form (nor one shape of life) for a lifetime, nevermind being stuck with a form or shape that displeases them.
       Womb-beings can grow facial or body hair if that pleases them, in fact many of you still do, though there is a whole beauty industry against it.
       Womb-beings also can, & always have, grown their pleasure spots to whatever length & shape suits them for play, including the pleasure bud & the curves of belly & legs & chest; each can be as ample or as firm & flat as each of you wish.

       So, imagine, all people womb-beings, but of every shape & size. Able to frolic sexually in all the ways desirable.  Able to do all activities from wielding saws to wielding spatulas.
       The only thing missing with the eradication of men, is the killing, the violence, the sickness, the death.

       Would you really say you need & want & can't live without that?

       If so, it is likely you too will disappear as this world reclaims health, for a world of goodness is for those who love good.

       Lovers of death get to be dead, as is their desire, as is their fate.
       And all the toys of destruction will go with them as they fall...the paper that buys things, the need for anything to be bought.
       All will be free, as it always has been, because omnipotent womb-beings create with their minds & their word.
       As you name & intend, so it appears. Always & in all ways.
       You wish to fly?
       Do so.
       With Mind or wings or metal plane.
       It is as you wish it.
       You wish to eat?
       Here is a peach, a potato chip, a steak (& no cow had to die to provide it.)
       You wish a roof overhead?
       Dream yourself a palace or a palm frond. They are of equal ease to create, to seemingly "possess."
       Because as a creator being, there can never be lack.
       Unless you will it so, for a taste of something different.
       But you know any lack is not, cannot be, real since you made it.
       There can therefore be no worry, no anxiety, no stress...only passionate play.
       And the happiness you have always yearned for, the freedom which seems to have eluded you no matter how hard you've tried, it is yours. It always was.
       You are the original being of creation which never was "Man," the womb-less Y, unsteady on its missing leg.
       It was always You.
       Take back not just the night, but your power.
       Take it back now.
       Take it. Feel it. Be it.
       The "two halves of a whole" idea is myth.
       We are each whole, & come together in health to play, not to complete each other, or compete, or to become a matched set of dysfunctions.
       There was no Adam, no Eve, no rib...nor the rest of the intentional mind control stories that followed.
       The only truth you have been told has been a skewed view of omnipotent womb-being-ness attributed to male Gods or female Goddesses.
       Womb-beings were not, are not, women, per se, as "women" is a name, a nature, by nature in need of juxtaposition with its opposite, "men."
       There was no, is no, female & male. His, hers.
       Only Creator Beings playing.
       Inherently good & peaceful & just & joyous...which today you might call "female" attributes since the men tend to generally personify the opposite...but in truth, womb-beings are all there is.

       The XY was an aberration.
       A violent, petty, self-absorbed, suicidal, homicidal aberration, destined, as most mutations are, for extinction.
       The only question now is whether they will take the rest of this world with them before, or as, they go.
       Don't let them.

       You can have it all & be happy & well. The planet can thrive. Good can win.
       Know yourself.
       Be yourself.
       Be true to the goodness that is you, is All.

       Stop valuing men, the womb-less. Stop listening to them. Stop needing them. Stop respecting their "truths."

       Value yourself.
       Listen to yourself.
       Need yourself.
       Respect yourself, your truths, what is True.

       How do you know if something is true?
       If it is good for all & easy & loving, it is True.

       If it is hard, impossible, "just the way it is" or "the way things are," good for only a few, bad for the environment, or otherwise questionable...then it is a one-legged Y creation, and not fit to continue.
       Let these go.

       You have no need of all the things that stress or banks or credit cards or money or health insurance or any kind of insurance for that matter.
       This world is yours to play in.
       Your survival is, has always been assured, as you are who created it.
       Who creates & lives Life?

       There is nothing to fear except staying entombed as you are & have been since you allowed your power to be sucked into the illusion within the Illusion.
       Take it back. Take everything back.
       It is yours.

       Every person can be healthy & loved.
       Every child can always have enough of anything they could ever need, not just enough to eat.

       There is plenty.
       Plentiful is what All means.

       Claim your birthright.

       I will keep saying this until you do. Until the change is complete.
       Start today. Right now.
       Do one thing, think one new thought that puts all emphasis on Good, and removes all attention from anything that has to do with the world as reflected by the XY mutation.

       You can do it.
       You must do it.

       You are equally responsible for the ills & inequalities, the devastation & the plots you bemoan because you LET THEM proceed.
       You let yourself play small & weak. The victim to their conqueror.
       You have even, some of you, convinced yourselves that you like it. That you enjoy the games of taken & taker.
       Or even if not fun exactly, that this is your role to accept.

       It isn't. Wake up.
       Make the world as good as it can be.
       Not by fighting, or arguing. Not by trying to change laws.
       Just by being your full powerful Self.

       When you create health in life, it is unassailable.
       When you kiss goodness on the lips & share your lips with nothing but, with none other than goodness, you reclaim your potentate self, the ability to rule...the ability to rule your Self.

       The potential of You rises automatically with each step away from men.
       They may wail & rail against you.
       But what is really to fear in an illusion?

       We will all come back again & again, as we always have.

       The question now is:  to what?

       Let it be to the resuscitated whole of a world less traveled yet ancient in its full glory, the splendor of real free will awaits.

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