
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Grand master plan...

       You've heard the saying: "the only thing you can count on is death & taxes?"
       This is a lie.
       Since neither of these things are real, since both are completely made up constructs of your particular 3D dimension, neither inevitable nor true, why do you feel compelled to acquiesce? to comply?

       This brings us to the subject of evil.

       Evil is not real either, being just an illusion on top of another illusion...however there sure is a lot on your planet doing a good job of masquerading as this most overly attended-to illusion.

       What is evil?
       It is only the opposite of Good.

       How do you disarm it?
       By reflecting & responding to only Good, nothing else, no matter how loudly it clamors for your attention.

       "Why stand aghast at nothing?" a wise wombody once said.
       Seeming constructs of evil will disappear into their native nothingness the more you place your attention & energy & life force & actions elsewhere.

       This is not denial.
       Neither is it the tangible feeding of the forces for Good (illusions & reality) rather than bad (strictly illusion).

       And this applies to any situation you find yourself embroiled in:
       issues of finance
       issues of safety
       issues with the law
       issues of possession
       issues of citizenship/nationality/belonging
       issues of politics
       issues of oppression
       issues of health
       issues of sanity
       issues of civil rights
       issues of morality
       issues on a mass global scale
       & personal issues behind private closed doors.

       Remember what's Real...i.e. Good.

       Remind yourself of this often, in as many specific ways as you can muster, daily, if there's a seeming crisis.
       As prevention, hourly.

       And in between remembering, always give each illusion up to Source, to Grace, for its highest resolution in the 3D to appear.

       Follow appropriate guidance if guidance directly from Source to your comes, and feels 100% right in your deepest gut...but know, often, no actions are required from you at all.

       Source creates all, therefore Source can surely place puzzle pieces exactly where they need to go...and one must be careful these days of who is responding to questions put out into the ethers at large.
       There are a good number of pretenders to Source's throne at this moment in time.
       Don't fall for directions that head in any direction other than where you want to go: which is always only towards Good, while surrounded, immersed & reflecting only Good, win-win for All.

       Nothing less will do, lest you find yourself unwittingly contributing to harmful illusions that are part of someone else's grand master, sad master plan.

Monday, June 10, 2013


       Gentlemen's Agreement meant your word is your bond. 
       How far we've all come from that.

       By now you've been with us long enough for us to rock your world a bit, yes?
       So...womb-beings is what we have called/named the more enlightened state of beingness, available to all, though at this current time, accessible more by womyn/fe-males freeing themselves than by patriarchal men/males or females entrenched in the system as is.

       And we have spoken much about the creative force available to wombeings, which since the world "womb" is included in this beingness, you may have assumed relates to the birth process/ability to birth babies.

       However, this is not fully the case.

       New beings/babies can be born without wombs.
       Without eggs & sperm.
       Without parents of any kind actually.

       Remember how we spoke of instantaneous manifestation of peaches or cash appearing in your palm?
       Well, babies/new beings can as well.

       They can just appear.

       Through their own intent.
       Or through collaboration with yours.

       Souls are infinite.
       They always exist.
       And they can appear & disappear, live & not live, in any realm of creation.

       That's what we've been sharing with you, yes?

       So, it is not just that you as a soul can appear & disappear objects or experiences.
       You can also appear & disappear Life.
       Your own is entirely in your control.
       Whereas the Life of others is a collaboration, manifested (wombeing blossomed) by mutual Agreement.
       Which means neither overpopulation nor species perpetuation nor species extinction need ever be an issue.
       Nor is age a factor.
       Nor is having a man to provide sperm.
       Nor is having a mother with viable eggs.

       On the higher levels of being, all that is necessary is intent.
       For the creation of everything & everyone.

       Anyone can of course continue procreating via the old & new-fashioned ways, utilizing eggs & eggs, egg & sperm, sperm & sperm, or DNA in a Petri dish.
       But one does not have to.
       There are other choices.

       Chew on that for a bit.