
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Changed name, changed nature...

       You must let go of your last names, the names of your forefathers & their forefathers before them.
       These are chains, binding you to the ways that don't work.
       Binding you to record keeping trailminding mind reading mind control soul control patriarchy mass dumbing numbing down manipulations matriculations degrees of acceptability enemies of the state enemy of the church enemy of the power structures that have (in illusion) been but are now on their way out.

       Patriot Act acts of patriotism are no more no less than excuses to shackle the people & keep tabs on any who might rise, threatening the illusion of mass subjugation that has screwed tighter & tighter into place over eons of male mutated dominance.

       Your last name locks you to this mutation, to invisible acceptance of it, whether you in reality wish to agree or not,...even if it is your mother's surname, it is still someone's "sir" name, her father's most likely, & thus to be discarded now.

       Keep your first name if you like it, or pick another entirely to be known by.
       Be known by a name that sings in your mouth when you say it, and that makes your heart sing whenever it is heard.

       Use as often as possible throughout this time of transition.

       When someone asks you your name, say "Mary, just Mary," or "Sophilalia, just Sophilalia," regardless of how they try to worm a more officially complete name from you.

       It goes without saying that you should participate in the filling out of forms that seek to catalog you as little as possible.
       One cannot be a compliant part of a broken system & end that system at the same time.
       You must choose.

       Revolutionaries must always, like cream, rise above limitation.
       Even limitation currently sanctified by those who wish you to believe they have power over you.

       As you know, the bureaus & accepted systems of mutated male games are not peace-loving, people-loving, planet-loving inventions.

       They have always funneled power & resources from the many to the few, restricting all protest to laborious, ineffective, bogged down complaints that rarely get resolved.

       One cannot fix any creation whose key nature is to drain life force.

       One can only refuse to sanction or validify it with one's own energy, thereby removing, bit by bit, the nutrient nourishment it feeds on.

       You will be amazed to see how very quickly a diverted funnel becomes a different geometric shape, & then dissipates, allowing full free flow once again.

       This is a mystical thing & a practical thing.

       You must physically say No to being herded, to microchips & mandatory information gathering that seeks to document & corral your whereabouts at all times.

       At the same time, you must also disengage your attention from the perceived need to comply, and the threats of ramifications if you don't.

       For it is your fear that the system itself, the mutations, feed on.

       It goes without saying that you cannot approach that same system for support, doesn't it?

       You can not seek aid or comfort or protection from a system that is oppressing you...though it is sometimes interesting to set one part of the system against itself when the crimes against peoplehood are so obvious as to be, say, newsworthy.

       But tred carefully here.

       Energetically getting wrapped up in protesting an ill can be equally draining to compliance with that ill.

       And historically, the more things change on any front of a broken system, the more they stay the same.

       The brokenness can be switched from overt to covert, as it has with issues of race & economic manipulation, but illness beneath a surface is no less ill than illness on the surface of things.
       It's just a trickier manifestation of the same thing: the sickness that has pervaded the illusion within illusion brought to us by your friends & mine, the legless wonders, male mutation, The Man, the men.

       They are a sad lot, aren't they?
       Spending so much energy trying to convince everyone that fear is the way, that bad is all around, that life must be endlessly complicated & unhappy & then you die...when really Life is exactly the opposite.

       You are meant to enjoy Life.
       It is easy & safe & in your control.

       Good things are all around you at all times.

       You get to live as long as you like--as we've already discussed--playing, enjoying, connecting with others in a realm of mutual support...
       Or you will, as each person reclaims original Creator Being power & leaves the world of the dustmen behind.
       They are afraid, as are you.
       But all can go bravely into the new world order, which is Love.

       Missing limbs, metaphorically (& physically) speaking, can be regrown, frozen hearts can be restarted, crumbling systems will fertilize the joys of new-seeming ways of being as they come into play.

       But there is nothing new under the sun or stars here, for wombeing goodness is the law of the land, the reality that always was is & will be possible because it is the original way things are, the way things exist, the way things come into being.

       It is who we all are & can be.

       But it is not enough to know this, or to protest a paper-thin "I will not tell you my last name!"
       Real transformation must be backed by real power.

       You must step fully back into your original self.

       And then the riding of these currents of change will be easy for you, because you will know no jail of mind nor body can hold you, no threat actually do you any harm.

       Someone who can be here there or anywhere in any instant is not prison-able, not slave material, nor serf nor servant.
       You see?

       Your inherent & omnipotent power IS your protection.


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