
Friday, February 22, 2013

Sleeping with the enemy...

       Sleeping with the enemy drains your life force, no two ways about it.
       Always has.
       Always will.

       And by sleeping we mean both having sexual relations, & actual sleep; any type of being in close life proximity with, i.e. any form of intimacy.

       Therefore you cannot change yourself, your life, or the world for the better if you are engaging in any kind of intimacy with a downpulling being, male or female.
       It is simply impossible to rise vibrationally while your vibration is draining downwards at the same time.

       Many of you, still trapped in misguided relations out of misguided needs for what you call "love," affection, or for economic reason, or out of habit, will find this idea distressing.
       The thought of making any kind of change will fill you with dread & feel overwhelming, even if other things we have shared have made you feel hopeful & light.

       This is because sleeping with the enemy by definition relegates you to the position of lethargic host drained by too many suckers sipping at your fountain of youth.

       Cut a few of them off & see how your energy levels begin to replenish.
       Suddenly you'll be cleaning that garage at 2 AM singing, with ample energy to take on your next New Year's resolution the following day.

       The truth of this becomes especially clear when you cut off the big downpullers in your life, the ones closest to you, with most access.
       Suddenly--after a brief time of mourning that won't be nearly as bad (or last nearly as long) as you've been led to believe--you'll have time & energy to start that new venture you've always longed for, or to write that great evolutionary novel.

       And here's the biggest secret of all: when you stop sleeping with the enemy & begin living a life that vibrates consistently higher, Real Love will then have a chance to find you.

       For what you call love is like ingesting old, off-brand dog food compared to savoring the best meal you can imagine, perfectly prepared...which is the nature of genuine love between beings of worth.

       Most of you have not yet experienced this in any lasting way.

       Something to look forward to.


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