
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Peace tools...

       We cannot force feed you nor nurture you from a baby's bottle.
       Waking up to your full power is your job.
       Your journey.

       But here's a clue:
       If a part of your body, say your feet, are cold, & you focus upon them with the loving intent of warming them up, energy & blood stirs & flows...surges, right there, warming them, flooding them with Life.
       This has been proven, even within your limited scientific models, for example, in studies on biofeedback.

       Isn't that something?

       You can experiment on your own & find practical answers as well, answers public forums may not yet be making available to the actual public.

       What about fear?
       What about violence?

       There may be times you decide in the heat of a moment to fight fire with fire, but the energy of violence only feeds on itself, creating more.

       So if the goal is peace, this is not the most effective choice.

       A better choice is to vibrationally alter the situation in a way harmless to all, harmful to none.

       You could dart from here to a far away there, for instance, & thus be out of (the illusion of) harm's way.

       Or beam Love at any who think evil upon you, & watch the situation transform.

       Or process your belief in reasons to fear, thus disengaging fear's compelling hold on you.

       Even in your world there are stories of those accused, hiding surrounded by guns, who managed to release fear long enough to come out of the building singing.
       And those holding the guns found themselves somehow unable to shoot.

       There are stories of elderly pilgrims for peace standing between raging maleness & a child, beaming Love, disarming the giant.

       There are many many stories of a being feeling intuitively when (the illusion of) danger was near, and not opening the door, taking a different path, going to a friend's house instead of directly home.

       You probably already know a good number of stories yourself where violence was thwarted or miraculously disarmed.

       Think on these things.
       See how it was done.
       Add new ideas to your arsenal of gentle peace tools.

       The key is to vibrate higher than the illusion.


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