
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One man's "junk" is a wombeing's treasure...

       If you must have, feel the need to have still, a last name, then let it be the essence of who you are as a being, i.e. Sophilalia Wombeing, or Tigger le Katz.

       But then all people will have the same last name won't they, you are wondering? How will you tell them apart or keep records?


       The only right way to catalog people is by character.

       Every other way is part of a matrix you wouldn't really want having your number, if you actually knew what they were up to, what their real purpose was.

       Let your character, your nature, your individuality shine through an energy of delight as your signature, whether or not you use a last name, or even a first.

       You are who you are whether or not anyone calls you a name.

       Have you ever looked into a kaleidoscope?

       The same shiny bits & shapes make infinite patterns with light, all beautiful, all worthy of their moment in the sun.

       But you'll notice, there are the cheap versions with just a few shiny bits & shapes, and then there are the deluxe models with many different bits & shapes, all reflecting off each other in a myriad of more intricate & therefore even infinitely more beautiful patterns.

       I'm sure you've heard that mankind has a good percentage of DNA & chromosomes & brain cells & such that are not currently being used, and are sometimes referred to as "junk."
       As in "junk" DNA or "dead" synapses.

       You may have even heard that these other bits & shapes in mankind's structure were purposefully put into hibernation.

       In any case, they are neither dead nor junk.

       They are all womb-beings' birthright to access & use & include in their very own beautiful patterns of living, of life.

       So, reactivate yours, & prepare for what you call miracles to become common place.


       By this point in our time together, you know exactly how...
       If not, reread from the beginning.
       One can never take in too much good, regenerative stuff.

       Re-patterning the brain is healthy, especially when it has been labeled & locked as 90% junked or dead for, oh, eons.

       Repetition of falsehoods is how that happened.
       How you allowed that to happen.
       How you allowed yourself to snooze.

       Nap time is over.

       Rise & shine. J


            Well, I tried some things.

            When people said, "Carrie Anne What?"
            I said, "Just plain Carrie Anne is fine," just like you recommended.

            And the person interviewing me looked at me like I'd lost my mind.

            There was no way I could fill out the application without giving information like my last name, social security number, driver's license, etc.
            So I didn't get the job.

            But later, when I sat down to meditate, I thought, "I didn't really want that job anyway. What I really want is just 50,000 dollars cash!"
            And guess what appeared in my hand.

            Now what????!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hearts meant to sing...

       Somewhere in the Universe it is tomorrow...

       Be not a slave to calendar nor clock.  You do realize that is the intent?

       What is needed is not a strict adherence to time, but rather to: affection.

       You need it.
       You all need it.
       Your bodies crave it.
       Our flowers unfurl when touched with love.

       But here's the tricky thing -- it can't be from just anyone. The hugs & cuddles, strokes & head rubs, shoulder & foot massages must come from compatible, desirable, other souls in bodies that share a mutually sweet affection with yours.

       Being touched by those you find distasteful, or vice versa, is poisonous.
       It is anti-affection.
       And like too much alcohol, it can kill.

       (Yes, we know, there is no death. However one can lose one's sense of life in a lifetime...& wouldn't it be better, instead, to fully live?)

       It goes without saying that sensual pleasure, sexuality, follows the same ideas as for health, does it not?

       Never share your pillow or your soul with anyone who does not make your heart sing, & vice versa.

       And for those of you who have not yet ever heard your hearts sing, don't worry, you can't miss it when it happens.

       The trick is to be sure the other person's heart is genuinely singing too. i.e. they don't just fancy a quick release of pleasure fluid or a grope of your angles or curves.

       Heart singing has a bit to do with pleasure fluids, angles & curves, but much more to do with hearts & souls creating beautiful music together.

       Your song is worth waiting for.


       Find the right partner.
       Be sure.
       And then wait no more.


The Truth about time...

       One more word about fear & saviors.

       Should any website go down or any teacher choose to stop communicating, it means nothing to your journey from deadness to Life.

       You learned all you needed from the very first page of this offering, for example...from before reading the very first page.
       For whatever has struck you & caught your fancy was inside you all along.

       These words, these tales, are but a reminder of what you -- each of you, each of us, all of us --  already know, and there are always other sources of goodness pointing the way, many points of light, more awakening every moment in this thing called time which is nothing in the face of Timelessness which is all.
       Which is your all.
       Your realm to play in.

       Never fear, for you already have the keys to the kingdom & always have.

       And with each one you use, each door to omnipotence you open, more become available.

       Life is meant to be fun.
       Really truly it is.

       And the most powerful thing you can do is to enjoy it in ways that fill you with love & peace & contentment, while simultaneously never being of harm to any & all.
       That is the gift of this realm.

       Whether 3D or 4 or 5 or on upward, joyful Life everlasting is the name of the game.

       It is your name.
       Your nature.
       Your right.


       You can just sit quiet & the same information, or exactly what you need to hear, will come.

       Ahh, but there's the rub, isn't it?
       For when do you have time in your busy days to sit quietly enough for information to come?

       And when something comes through, how do you know it is Truth, not a loop of brain control picked up via some airwave or advertising jingle?

       You know the truth when you hear it, feel it.

       Test yourself.

       Say something you know to be true, feel how it feels.
       Pick something easy, the color of your shoes today, for example (not something like the nature of God, the truth of which, for many of you, is too vast a question to be clear).

       Then say something false (again, choose an easy falsehood to test)... & feel the difference.

       Now say something partially true, & feel it.

       There, your Truth barometer is set.
       And you see you know how to read it.

       One hurdle down.

       The other is the massive illusion of time.
       Yet this is your illusion to make peace with.
       All time.
       Any time.
       All the time that you need...

       It's yours.
       Take it back.

       Take it.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Free-born joy...

       Play small, live small, & you are an illusory ant that can easily be crushed under the illusion of a large shoe.
       Play grandly, live the life of magnificence that is your divine birthright, and you are world & everything in it, an indomitable Spirit, impossible to curtail or crush.
       There may be a few of you set upon to be "made examples of..." & you will choose whether to let this fully bring mind pictures to the masses & help them wake, or whether your Spirit will slip silently from the clutches of the manipulations in progress to play elsewhere instead.

       It is your choice.

       But make sure you have the choice, for those who are powerless have none.

       Only those who demonstrate daily & at will their increasing Life Force can play fearlessly as your world's transformation finds its reshape.

       Many will "die," as have always died, both in times of transformation, & also as a matter of course in man's world.

       But as we've discussed, death is not necessary.

       Nor is it real.
       For any who reunite with their true wombeing creator-being Self...

       And when might be a good time to begin reacquainting with this true self & its true power for life, love, free-born joy?



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Changed name, changed nature...

       You must let go of your last names, the names of your forefathers & their forefathers before them.
       These are chains, binding you to the ways that don't work.
       Binding you to record keeping trailminding mind reading mind control soul control patriarchy mass dumbing numbing down manipulations matriculations degrees of acceptability enemies of the state enemy of the church enemy of the power structures that have (in illusion) been but are now on their way out.

       Patriot Act acts of patriotism are no more no less than excuses to shackle the people & keep tabs on any who might rise, threatening the illusion of mass subjugation that has screwed tighter & tighter into place over eons of male mutated dominance.

       Your last name locks you to this mutation, to invisible acceptance of it, whether you in reality wish to agree or not,...even if it is your mother's surname, it is still someone's "sir" name, her father's most likely, & thus to be discarded now.

       Keep your first name if you like it, or pick another entirely to be known by.
       Be known by a name that sings in your mouth when you say it, and that makes your heart sing whenever it is heard.

       Use as often as possible throughout this time of transition.

       When someone asks you your name, say "Mary, just Mary," or "Sophilalia, just Sophilalia," regardless of how they try to worm a more officially complete name from you.

       It goes without saying that you should participate in the filling out of forms that seek to catalog you as little as possible.
       One cannot be a compliant part of a broken system & end that system at the same time.
       You must choose.

       Revolutionaries must always, like cream, rise above limitation.
       Even limitation currently sanctified by those who wish you to believe they have power over you.

       As you know, the bureaus & accepted systems of mutated male games are not peace-loving, people-loving, planet-loving inventions.

       They have always funneled power & resources from the many to the few, restricting all protest to laborious, ineffective, bogged down complaints that rarely get resolved.

       One cannot fix any creation whose key nature is to drain life force.

       One can only refuse to sanction or validify it with one's own energy, thereby removing, bit by bit, the nutrient nourishment it feeds on.

       You will be amazed to see how very quickly a diverted funnel becomes a different geometric shape, & then dissipates, allowing full free flow once again.

       This is a mystical thing & a practical thing.

       You must physically say No to being herded, to microchips & mandatory information gathering that seeks to document & corral your whereabouts at all times.

       At the same time, you must also disengage your attention from the perceived need to comply, and the threats of ramifications if you don't.

       For it is your fear that the system itself, the mutations, feed on.

       It goes without saying that you cannot approach that same system for support, doesn't it?

       You can not seek aid or comfort or protection from a system that is oppressing you...though it is sometimes interesting to set one part of the system against itself when the crimes against peoplehood are so obvious as to be, say, newsworthy.

       But tred carefully here.

       Energetically getting wrapped up in protesting an ill can be equally draining to compliance with that ill.

       And historically, the more things change on any front of a broken system, the more they stay the same.

       The brokenness can be switched from overt to covert, as it has with issues of race & economic manipulation, but illness beneath a surface is no less ill than illness on the surface of things.
       It's just a trickier manifestation of the same thing: the sickness that has pervaded the illusion within illusion brought to us by your friends & mine, the legless wonders, male mutation, The Man, the men.

       They are a sad lot, aren't they?
       Spending so much energy trying to convince everyone that fear is the way, that bad is all around, that life must be endlessly complicated & unhappy & then you die...when really Life is exactly the opposite.

       You are meant to enjoy Life.
       It is easy & safe & in your control.

       Good things are all around you at all times.

       You get to live as long as you like--as we've already discussed--playing, enjoying, connecting with others in a realm of mutual support...
       Or you will, as each person reclaims original Creator Being power & leaves the world of the dustmen behind.
       They are afraid, as are you.
       But all can go bravely into the new world order, which is Love.

       Missing limbs, metaphorically (& physically) speaking, can be regrown, frozen hearts can be restarted, crumbling systems will fertilize the joys of new-seeming ways of being as they come into play.

       But there is nothing new under the sun or stars here, for wombeing goodness is the law of the land, the reality that always was is & will be possible because it is the original way things are, the way things exist, the way things come into being.

       It is who we all are & can be.

       But it is not enough to know this, or to protest a paper-thin "I will not tell you my last name!"
       Real transformation must be backed by real power.

       You must step fully back into your original self.

       And then the riding of these currents of change will be easy for you, because you will know no jail of mind nor body can hold you, no threat actually do you any harm.

       Someone who can be here there or anywhere in any instant is not prison-able, not slave material, nor serf nor servant.
       You see?

       Your inherent & omnipotent power IS your protection.


Test proofs...

       You want proof, verifiable show & tell that can justify placing your faith here (or there).

       We could provide it, but there would be no point, for the only proof anyone ever really believes is their own. 
       When they prove or disprove something for themselves.
       And this is as it should be.

       And it works also when one looks around at the world as it is being lived & asks: "is this good?"
       The proof is in your reply.

       The proof of your character & level of evolvement towards wholeness as well.

       For a true creator wombeing will look around & enjoy the good proofs of their efforts...and quickly help change any realities to which the answer to the aforementioned question "is this good?" is:  "No."

       Whereas those living the shrunken lives of mutation will look around, see good, & worry how long it will last...or when the question "is it good?' is answered with a "no," will shrug & think, "well, that's just the way it is...has always been...what can I do? I'm just one person...only human..."

       Why try & excuse yourself from the power that is rightfully yours?
       Delete the word "only" from your vocabulary & claim your divine right to evolve.

       How will you know you're on the right track?

       You'll find yourself knowing when to be small (& potent), and when to be big (& potent).

       (Notice we did not say small & delicate/weak -vs- big & aggressive/controlling.)
       Evolving into wholeness is both the most radical thing & also not as exclusive/inclusive/divisive as it seems, for all can go. All can do it.

       The 1/8th chromosomal correctness defective modern day Man (along with a good deal of modern day Woman) is missing need not be fatal.

       But it is up to each individual to facilitate their own DNA repair.

       It is up to you.

       If you can, if you wish, if you must.

       Or perish on the road you are on.

       It is up to you.
       It has always been up to you.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Intentional beauty...

    Many of you are so concerned with looks, of course we have to ask "Why?"
       You know what we are going to say by now, don't you?

       You, as an Infinite Creator Being, can look any way you please, without any need for creams or surgeon's knives or vitamins or different parents than the ones you have had.

       Nose too big?
       Shrink it, via vibrational intention.
       Nose not magnificent enough?
       Sculpt it to impose the sense of grandeur you desire, via intention rather than artfully applied make-up or scalpel.

       Your fleshly body is your clay with which to play.

       Skin too light?
       Too dark?
       Belly too flat or too wide?
       Feet too long or too crooked?
       Teeth too large or too yellow?
       Hair too abundant or too sparse?

       It's all malleable.
       By You.

       On the other hand, you could also just enjoy playing with what you've currently got.

       If a nose breathes & the teeth chew, they are doing their job.

       However, your spirits have been so broken in the world you've designed, perhaps enjoying the look of one's smile is important towards balance & joy at this juncture.

       Only you know what is right for you, changing or playing with what already is.

       The point is, if you decide you wish a change in appearance, no product or professional help is necessary.
       This change, as all others we've spoken of, is done by fully functional womb-beings via vibrational shift, intentionally accomplished.

       And how does one become fully functional?
       Intentionality accomplished?
       All together now, say it with me:  PRACTICE.

       Begin today.
       Pick one thing & lovingly command the truth of its nature to be what you wish to see.

       If the change pleases you, chalk one up for intentional demonstration.
       You're learning.
       Good. J

       If the change you create does not please you & you find you miss the person that used to look back at you from a mirror, no worries, just practice some more & change it back.
       Or try something else, a different look, entirely.

       You may find, over the long run, that the aspects of appearance you think have caused you grief are actually what makes you recognizable, in this lifetime, as "you," & are aspects you chose, on purpose, an originality, a specific detailed touch, for your life this time around.

       The good thing about vibrational change as opposed to being locked into dealing with things physically as the only way to go, is: if you don't like something you've done, it's simple, painless & free to just change it again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Secrets of the Universe...

     You calculate time incorrectly because you have been taught to think of both the world & yourselves as too small.
       The world, all worlds, are infinite.
       As are you.
       Even in the flesh you could live as long as you like.
       People used to live much longer on your plane, thousands of years, then hundreds, & now only one hundred, if you're lucky.
       Why do you suppose this is?

       Who does it serve for people to come, lead miserable striving lives, only to die, often painfully, expensively, usually somewhere between 60-90 years "old," without ever having fully lived?

       Who indeed.
       Really no-one.
       As Infinite Beings one & all, this was a silly game to ever undertake.
       But never underestimate the effects of imbalance.
       That missing ¼ of a ½ of a chromosome, metaphorically speaking, is important.
       Without it, we wobble precariously, unhappily, always striving for a peaceful equilibrium that can never be as it is against the nature of a wobble, unbalanced by definition.

       Here's a secret.
       I will say it, & you will immediately feel its truth, shocking as that may sound...some of you are not dying in 100 years or less.
       Some of you are living to be 100's & 1000's of years "old."
       Others of you are leaving & returning in different bodies, all memories in tact, to continue on the work of maintaining the current illusion within an illusion that's been going on for the time since the mutation metastasized & took over.

       Some of you remember that this can be done, & wish the rest of you NOT to remember that it can be done by anyone, by all, even by you.

       Things would be very different in your world if you all knew you could come & go from material manifestation as you pleased, without need for money or passports or citizenship papers or birth certificates or a job or anyone's permission at all, wouldn't they?

       Yes indeed.

       The entire fabric of everyone's life here would become easier & more fun.

       The only difficulties would be ones anyone chose to enjoy, physically scaling a challengingly high mountain, say, or putting pen to paper long enough to write a book.

       But everything else, surviving, would be easy.

       Because here's another secret: there's enough food right now to feed every single being forever...if indeed you continue to choose to need to eat.

       And this is not because of the grain -vs- cow grazing land debate, nor your dialogs about eating global -vs- eating local.

       This is because just as you can vibrate dense or less dense to be here or elsewhere, & just as you can recall that Infinite Beings are by definition healthy & therefore have no health problems, & can therefore continue to live just as long as they choose, whether that's 63 ½ years or 5268 ¾ years (or indefinitely, which is another way of saying Infinitely) can also manifest via vibratory focus whatever it is you would like to eat (or have).
       Just like you can be here or there, an apple can also be here (in the palm of your hand) or not here (not in the palm of your hand), as can a Coke or a glass of wine, or a burger, or broccoli, without any need for orchards or companies, vineyards, ranches, gardens or farms.

       Shifting one's vibration or the nature of density around things takes practice of course.
       Especially when one is rusty from years of believing such a thing could not possibly be possible.
       But most of you have already heard that such things ARE possible, at least for the most enlightened among you.
       Yogis & saviors & those struck by lightning who then suddenly begin speaking in tongues...The very same beings who generally say whatever amazing thing they are suddenly doing is also completely possible for all to not only do, but surpass with even greater expressions of creative passionate powerful force.

       Where you get stuck is thinking you too could really walk on water, or appear a sandwich in your palm without working to earn the right to purchase the ingredients, then make the effort of buying bread & fixings & slapping them together.

       You maybe know you SHOULD be able to.

       But should is different than actually can.

       And the difference can be summed up in one word: practice.

       Squirt a little oil of possibility onto the rusted gears in your beingness, & allow miracles to start popping up in your reality right left & center.

       A word about goodness:  if you are not in alignment with the highest good for all, you are not operating via wombeing creator force, and you can practice till the cows come home & nothing will manifest here or there.

       Ever wonder why men are constantly trying to invent devices or procedures to teletransport or shift the weather or vibrate enemies out of existence?
       Why it is said some clandestine organizations sacrifice to demons in order to turbocharge certain nefarious goals?
       Raising one's vibration to do what is natural for all wombeings means just that--raising vibration towards perfect expression--which can not be used for ill.
       End of story.

       Well, really, there is no end or beginning of this tale, but you know what we mean.

       You cannot safely vibrate yourself invisibly from here to there to spy on someone.
       Invasion of privacy is not anyone's divine birthright.

       Whereas enjoying a crisp juicy apple that has been created vibrationally just for you, by you, on a lovely hot summer day is everyone's right to enjoy, so go ahead, please do. Guilt free.

       You are beginning to see it now, aren't you?
       The possibilities?
       The fact that the world, your world, could be much better, & easier, than it is.
       For everyone.

       No one ever has to lose.
       We can all win.
       Here, there & everywhere.

       And there is no need to wait for someone to make this possible or teach you how it's done.
       YOU are the one you've been waiting for.

       So, begin.

       Practice makes perfect.

       You are a perfect being.
       Even if that has not been obvious till now.

       It can become so.
       It will become so.
       It is so.

       Male or female, if you move off this incorrect point of reference & return to the Law of One, to the beingness that creates, sustains & enjoys all Life, it is yours.

       No one can keep it from you, no matter how much they try.

       Carry on.