
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Choice point...

    We had no name for ourselves then, as we were all there was, always & forever, all that had ever been.
    Those on 2 legs & 4 & 12 & 18 were all of a piece, all the livers & the givers of life.

    Every once in a great rare while, one was born injured, incapable of life living or life giving, with odd limbs or too many or too few eyes, but as they always what you call "died," left their bodies in a gentle poof, like smoke, we considered it part of the cycle of birth & rebirth, and knew the soul inside the errant flesh would come again, in a more sustainable form, & likely soon.
    So there was little cause for grieving.

    Even when those one loved ended one flesh form sooner or later, like a tree that fell, we knew the soul would always come again.
    It was just shedding one skin, one bark, for another. And those that reentered the realm of flesh play sooner rather than later, we would not only see again, but also as I said, there was not much cause for ever grieving, since the whole of what is is Infinite Life, and that can never be harmed, no matter how much we play.

    It is the men who named us...womb for our center, which is where they felt all our power to live & give life came from.
    And it was we that named them men, as in womb-en, this bit of a mutation that did indeed come from our belly centers, yet without adequate belly centers of their own.

    And this was later shortened & shaped for us to be known as "women," the originals, with the mutation we sometimes oddly bore in that time of the great sky reddening, as "men."

    Men, the womb-less ones.
    Men, who looked almost like us as they grew, except their curves did not grow.
    Instead they lengthened & hardened in all areas, including below their center, where the pleasure bud we all share fattened into a lanky dangling pud, which like ours, would stiffen with enthusiasm for energetic play with ourselves or with another, & like ours, would cause the emission of life fluids at the climax culminating energetic release.
    But unlike us, their pleasure center was rather ugly.
    And their fluid did not smell sweet of life & the sea, but rather rank like decayed flesh not eaten or given back to the land soon enough.
    It was also thicker & white, rather than clear.

    As they grew, they were interested in us more than in each other, and some of us took pity & lay & romped with them, distasteful though they were...and as these original womb-beings readied for giving more souls entry to dimensional play in flesh, the men thought they had something to do with it.

    Which of course made us howl with laughter, since we'd been playing with life coming through us for all of eternity, as was the natural order of things, long before their mutation surprised us by coming through and, odd as it was, clinging to life rather than just letting go & recycling through as most faulty forms did.

    But it was the time of the red sky & many things felt a little odd.

    The 4 leggeds & 12s & 18s too seemed to sense some kind of disruption in the wind, & before long we were noticing that they too had born some of their own version

    And then came the crucial moment when a decision was upon us & had to be made.
    For the men were not of the same sweetness as all original 2 & 4 & 12 & 18 legged womb beings.

    They were harder & louder & seemed to enjoy other's pain.
     Watching pain, causing it.

    They were rough with each other & with us.
     They began ending the life of a flesh form for fun, & curdling the love in our species by harsh words & the threat of subjecting stricter & more ruthless harm, for fun, as was their right, even their duty, they said...and was for our own good & the good of all, which they not only said but believed.

    Because the original ones were the lesser beings, & they themselves the evolved improvement, they believed...and therefore our role was to support them, to obey, to lay & romp with them anytime & in any way they chose.

    And at first we were so flabbergasted that they could seriously believe such a thing in the face of all evidence to the contrary, we listened with our mouths hanging wide.

    But then, in our world, we understood for the first time what danger meant...what this meant...and we did what had to be done.

    We, the life livers & life givers, the original people, the womb-beings, Universe cells expressing all goodness & love & power, turned our life giving energies from the mutation & no longer allowed it to feed on us in any manner.

    We did not harm them, though we could have.
    Instead, we just withdrew all attention from their mutated forms & ideas.
    We did not speak with them, or lay with them, or acknowledge them, or after a time, even see them any longer.
    And little by little, they were no longer to be seen, because they did what should have been done all along.
    A few transformed into womb-beings by divine intervention & went on to live among us in perfect peace & loving loveliness.
    The rest did what you call died.
    They dried up & withered away, crumbling into the Death dust they so worshipped, as more & more of our life force unplugged from feeding theirs.

    And life returned to the way it had always been, full of Life & joy & plenty, for all & with all, forever more.

    So this is the "secret" you ask about that brought goodness back from a brief, geologically-speaking, time of species mutation that threatened our world.
    And it would have been the same in your world, had you not decided, when the crucial moment came, to let the death beings stay.

    There is no such thing as boys will be boys, & girls will be girls, who must grow into wise, dominant men & weak, compliant women on your planet or on any other.

    That is a falsehood you fell for.
    All that has happened since your world reached the choice point & chose differently than ours, all the wars & poverty & genocide & rape & poisoned seas & unbreathable air & theft & need for institutions to capture & judge & punish & police, to heal & forestall disaster or make reparation when disaster strikes...

...all of this is a direct result of that one decision when you noticed a species change to your world had come, saw that it was not good, & yet fed it, obeyed it--continue to feed & obey it--rather than withdrawing your precious energy & sending the error on its way, back to Source.
    Back to Source where the souls the mutations housed could have gently reemerged in properly structured bodies for full, productive lives as good-only world citizens...rather than harbingers of Death who, in the absences of life-living & life-giving properties of their own, first named, & then sought to destroy, everything.

    And so it was, for you.

    But this is not how it need remain.


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