
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Holy Books

       There can be things of value in what you consider biblical knowledge from one religious form or another, but much of what you worship and channel, isn't.
       Valuable or knowledge.
       Here's a hint:
       When someone says "Spirit" told them to place thier child on an alter and sacrfice it, that wasn't God speaking.      
       Being written a long time ago doesn't make a story holy, nor does the Divine Creator command violence of any kind for proof of faith.
       Only bullies do that.
       Think about it.
       What kind of Creator would make a world only to be eternally displeased with it? Only to eternally be setting one faction of it at war with another?
       However, "spirits" of another sort do find sport in such antics.
       Where are the real answers to be found?
       You will find them only in the Goodness within,

Start looking there.

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