
Sunday, August 18, 2013

How To Save Yourself & Everyone & Everything...

       The only way out is on up.

       No problems are ever solved on the same plane where they were created.

       Freedom from all perceived ills, world ills, personal ills, global ills, microscopic ills, other dimensional ills, gender ills, cellular ills, humanity ills, interspecies ills, moral ills, secular ills can only be found in returning to your own full power base and self-actualized, self-motivated, self-counciled Being.

       There is no other way.

       No friend can save you. No organization. No leader. No group.
       Even a majority making efforts in the same direction can't save you.

       You must each individually save yourselves.
       Clean up your own piece of the pie, internal & external.


       The collective cry is so loud from the ones not dumbed down & steeped in numb acceptance, low-grade dread.

       How is reclaiming the spirit skills that allow you to transform reality, first internally, which then always must reflect externally as well.

       As a weak, co-opted spirit, you can do nothing.

       As a reflection of the Divine Spirit capital S, you can do everything Good.
       There is no other way, no better way, no other steps to take, no other program to follow.

       You must reclaim your sovereignty.
       That is the only way. The only step. quiet yourself for longer & longer stretches of time -- some call this meditation, others call this collapsing -- but the error yields.

       And then in the midst of the vehement holding of Truth in the face of errors, you dance, or sing, or cook, or walk the dog, or watch a comedy, or sew, or plant something, or go for a hike, or do yoga, or paint, or throw a pot, or write a song, or color your toenails, or help someone, or climb the jungle gym with the kids...anything that brings a momentary joy & peace, and allows you to forget the seeming troubles for a bit.


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