
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unblocking the flow...

     Many of you have various hidden fears, not always traceable to events from the life you are living.

       For instance, many of you fear being seen or hunted or caught or locked away or experimented upon or homeless.
       You also fear being found out, exposed, punished, humiliated, killed.

       For some, there are childhood or present life or past life or ancestral cell memory reasons for these fears; others of you are just picking up on the mass patterning of the milieu.

       Whatever the case, all fears must be processed & released, or like old grease & wads of hair, they clog the drains, blocking your flow.

       Find a way to spiritually/emotionally biodegrade your own personal clogs, returning all stuck energy back into the zero point field from which it came, & get on with the joyful play of creating & living an easier, happier life. Surrounded by easier, happier people. On an easier, happier planet.

       There is no shadow too dense to be dispelled by Light.

       Though pouring in Light to dissipate a clog is quite different than climbing into your pipes & creating a new life & identity for yourself there, amidst the grease & wads of hair.
          Do you see the difference?

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