
Thursday, March 7, 2013


      In a location where the sun typically rises in the east & sets in the west, the above photograph was taken of the EAST, in the late afternoon, when the sun should typically have not been around to light up the clouds.

       So who's responsible for this momentary change in the nature of things?

       I AM.
       However you prefer to define these two potent words.

       But you see the inherent problem in the idea of ever satisfactorily being able to provide proof of anything beyond dry deadened locked down creations of the kind this world is so chock full of, yes?

       Who's to say who took this photo, or whether the camera was indeed pointed east, or that it was indeed the time of sunset rather than sunrise?

       This is the same reason why people who have claimed a different body or bank account, claimed to have become "cured" of some seemingly "incurable" illness or lack, are often disbelieved.

       Maybe body or bank account were misdiagnosed?

       Or maybe the individual is lying?

       Or if not lying exactly, perhaps exaggerating or sharing wishful intensions they hope could come true...

       How can improbable things ever be proven to minds closed to possibility?

       Things change.
       Sometimes significantly.
       Sometimes backed by reasons why...& sometimes not.

       Is how something transpired more important than that it DID transpire?

       You certainly can't just take someone's word for it. That wouldn't be smart, regarding any seeming miracles...there has to be proof.

       So, yes, we are all quite wary of playing the fool, being taken in.

       Which is why we say, the only person's word you'll ever believe regarding your ability to create significant change not based on logical steps towards achieving better health in any regard--personal, interpersonal, environmental, societal, political, global, financial, unusual--is your own.

       So, go ahead, learn what there is to learn, even teach what you learn & know if you like.
       Put it into practice, experience miracles, tell yourself about them...and believe the proof of your own life...all the while getting to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.
       Quite a deal.

       No need to waste time trying to prove anything to anyone (though sharing your changes as they occur may wind up affecting someone just the same).

       For sometimes we wombeings do find comfort & inspiration from those traveling alongside us on the path.

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