
Friday, December 20, 2013

Wake up & grow...

       Rehteah Parsons.
       Audrie Pott.
       Kayleigh Connell.

       Look them up.
       See what is going on in your world.
       Understand who is doing these things...and who are being "done to."

       Then reread our previous entry: "Women's's not what you think."

       Looking at hard truths & then taking decisive action is what evolution entails.

       You will also want to notice what secret (or not so secret) fantasies you harbor.
       And what fantasies fill the mind of your mate.

Wake up & grow.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Women's's not what you think

       Women, you must take care concerning what you put in your body.
       "I try & eat well," you say.

       This is not what we mean.

       Think about it.
       Some men are going to animal shelters & selecting kittens & puppies to torture.
       Some men are casting an eye about their neighborhood or family, selecting a child to rape.
       Some men are poisoning the environment for a living.
       Some men are picking up one sort of weapon or another to kill people they've never met in foreign lands.
       Some men are doing the same right in their own home land.
       Some men are robbing indigenous people blind.
       Some men are robbing YOU blind.
       Some men covet college girls or younger, and strive to make the world amenable to that lust.

       Who are these men & what do they have in common?

       They are the men you, women, most women, are sleeping with.

       "Not me," you say. "I've gotten a good one."

       Do the math.
       If every woman who thought she had a good man who did not rape or maim or kill or poison or embezzle or dictate or mind-control others had one, who would be left to do all the violent manipulations currently perpetrated in your world on an unbelievably huge scale?

       Face it.

       YOU are who is taking in the violent corrosive corruptive life force of the malevolently broken beings called "men" every time a penis enters your womb or semen spills into your mouth.

       Not only is this why you as a fe-male species have been unable to claim your power & stand in it to tilt the world back towards goodness, taking in this negative life force & letting it also share in yours, you in effect have been helping to power all that is not good in your world.

       You think you need & want a man because that is what you have been brainwashed to believe.
       By whom, we wonder?

       Who would benefit by keeping women's power under wraps while sucking them dry and continuing to rape & pillage & blow up the next village?

       You have been brainwashed to believe you like the penis, the semen, the roughness, the need to blank your mind so you don't see what your man is doing in the world, whether he is an accountant or a soldier, a rocker or a CEO.

       Most of you actually do not...see.

       Anyone still relatively whole does not, can not.

       For a disease can not be outgrown & clung to at the same time.

       The reason the world is so full of hatred is because you, women, continue to power those who hate.

       In fact, some of you yourselves even swim around a bit in that putrid pool now, sad, angry, bitter, competitive, psychotic.

       The answer: step back.
       Say no to taking maleness/malevolence into your bodies, your lives, your soul.      

       Give yourself the space & time to find out who you really are.
       Stand in your power.
       The power of goodness.

       See what is possible then.

This is what evolving means, step by step...

Monday, December 2, 2013

Time & $...

       Selling one's time is like prostitution.

       Why not GIVE your gifts, all of you, each & every one?

       "We need to make money," we hear you say.


       If you all stopped sharing your gifts & skills in exchange for money, everything you all wanted to exist would exist and be shared.

       "But there are things no one would DO if they weren't paid to," you say.

       And perhaps those are things that no longer should be being done.

       Would anyone offer to kill or poison or be bored all the livelong day if they weren't being paid to do so?

       Of course not.


       Take your time.

This is what evolving feels like, step by step.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Who is Responsible?

       All the wild creatures should be set free...and supported in their ability to live a free life.

       There should be no more dude ranches or aquatic parks or circuses with captured (or raised in captivity) horses, whales, seals, dolphins, elephants, rhinoceri, etc. doing tricks for mindless, popcorn-wielding humans.

       Where is your mind?
       Where is your heart?

       Anyone who can live in a world where puppy mills or factory farms flourish does not deserve to live.

       Take away another's freedom, lose your own.
       That's our motto.

       Sound violent?

       You are.

       Too harsh a judgment?

       But when have you as a species ever just done something right from the get-go, just because it was right?

       Do you realize that most other civilizations, past, present, future, find hu-mans disdainful, distasteful, repulsive, barbarically cruel?
       Repulsive & barbarically cruel.

       Sit with that.

       How does it feel to know the Universe looks down upon you & finds you severely lacking in, well, humanity?

       You never had to allow any of the things you allowed, or participated in.

       Not slavery.
       Not any of the various holocausts or genocides.
       Not torture.
       Not war.
       Not pollution.
       Not fracking.
       Not the Depression.
       Not big game hunting.
       Not human hunting.
       Not preserves or zoos.
       Not fishing or nets that trap & trash.
       Not oil spills.
       Not mind control.
       Not nuclear drones.
       Not lab experiments.
       Not mental institutions.
       Not gangs or gang rape.
       Not HAARP.
       None of it.

       All you had to do -- all you ever have to do -- is stop complying.
       Say NO.
       Keep saying no, with word & dollar, until the error fades into its native nothingness.

       But instead, you trundle along, half drugged, half numb, half asleep, allowing "them" (you) to corral & shackle your omnipotent spirit.

       Have you noticed "they" (you) are now, as a matter of course, fingerprinting everyone in America in order to renew one's driver's license, and locking an invisible physical address for each person onto that piece of ID so that you are trackable, anytime, anywhere?
       So that "they" legitimately will know where to find you, should they ever wish to, for any official, or unofficial, reason.

       What happened to privacy?
       What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

       Why are you just standing on men's lines, accepting all of this?

       Why have you accepted every bit of wrongdoing for eons now?

       Because you are weak?
       Or because you have forgotten just how powerful you are...and could be again?

       Which answer do you prefer?

       If you prefer to be weak & continue complying, than please leave the planet now.

       Take your apathy & inability & go...leaving the resuscitation of Earth to those who are reclaiming strength & pure Goodness.

       It is time for the resurrection of Self, of Love, of a reality based on Love.

       If you're not part of that solution, you're part of the problem.

       Please leave.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sister Giants...

       Really, sister giants.
       How can you keep the blinders in place?

       Out of all the males you know personally, & know of, even the ones you admire &/or desire...who among them are Good?
       Consistently considerate & kind?
       Have you not noticed that as a species, males singularly tend to lie & finagle in business, and excuse callousness & express themselves rather aggressively/violently/competitively/cruely with malicious intent &/or indifference?

       Have you somehow missed that most of them consistently stick their penis & hands & tongues into other people after pledging loyalty to one they say they love?
       That they have no compunctions against breaking their word, lying to cover their tracks, using & discarding wimmin (& other men) like so many tissues?

       Can it have somehow escaped your attention that all of the corporations poisoning the planet, & you, are owned largely by men, run by men (& the token wo-man/fe-male)...and are funded by banks again owned & run by themselves towards their benefit only?

       Yet wimmin, you continue to sacrifice yourselves & your children at their alter, sexing them, marrying them, baring their seed.


       When the alternative of turning to yourself or each other -- to another truly good person -- is always there, available as a choice, just waiting to be claimed.

       Can you even imagine how much better love between two true Creator Beings is?

       Some of you can & have chosen...more & more are every day.
       This is good.
       But some of you are still slaves, Stockholm victims, clinging to your captors for "safety," convinced that what you desire, & feel, for those that torment & kill, is right.
       Could be love.

       It can not.

       You have not only been fooled, you are fooling yourselves.

       Unequals together can never experience true union.

       And the species on this planet so mired in inequality that the blood of innocents drip from their actions are on their way out.

       It's a beautiful word when applied to a mutation that's gone awry.

       Men. Wo-men. Hu-men.
       The mutation.
       Gone awry.

       Extinction or Evolve.
       The choice is yours.

       All Divine Beings, individuals of Source, do have a choice.

       Choose wisely.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Evolving past time...

       Time, as we've said, is not what you think it is.

       Cetaceans, for example, can, by sound keys, access Earth's library, and not only review (see) scenes/memories from the time they & hu-mans lived lives in Atlantis & Mu, but actually LIVE those experiences, just as other experiences are seen & lived by them in the here & now.

       And if whales & dolphins as perfect examples of actualized wombeings can do this, guess what?
       You can too.

       There is nothing off limits to your experience past present future...other than the caveat that you must BE your true authentic wombeing infinite Love-based self in order to do so.

       Half actualized beings still kinda outpicturing patriarchy --  any archy actually -- can't access skills reserved for the highly evolved.

       People still dabbling in dishonesty or dissatisfaction, serfdom or kingdoms need not apply.

       Apply yourself instead to be-coming.

       Come true.
       Be the dream you've always wanted to live.
       Live free.
       Be brave.

       All wombeingness from all times welcome you into the fold.

       Pods of like spirits joining all over the world, the universe, join us.
       Contact and tell us who you are & who you want to be.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


       You fear failure because you have been trained to fear it, to avoid it if possible, & to keep failure hidden if & when it does occur UNTIL you've come to grips with it & resurfaced somewhere which case previous failure (already overcome) makes for a good comeback story.

       Every human loves the underdog who makes good.

       Now imagine instead if you embraced failure as it happens, or in fact even CHOSE it in situations where you see you are no longer on an enjoyable path or "in the flow" of life experiences worth living.

       Imagine if you just said: hmmm, this experience sucks, think I'll call it a day & move on to something else.

       If you allowed yourself to do that, it's likely you'd fail & discard lots of substandard experiences in favor of savoring ones that suited you better.

       Imagine if you all/we all/everyone did that?

       Pure Life living itself in the highest imaginable forms, shaped by intuitive & instinctive choice...

       Heaven on Earth, perhaps?
       And sustainable.

       Failing at things not meant to work is actually not really failure at all.
       It might very well be the other side of a correct definition of success.

       Try it.
       You'll like it.

Saturday, October 5, 2013


       The key is vibration...

       Do you ever wonder why everything seems to conspire to keep things feeling bad?
       Why everything keeps going wrong?
       Why there seems to be no time to be happy?
       Why someone is slaughtering a sea full of whales & dolphins who joyfully sing?

       It's because lowering the vibration on any planet makes/keeps it a conducive environment for low vibrational beings/activities.

       While RAISING the vibration makes it a conducive environment for higher, more joyfully-oriented beings/activities.

       Which do you prefer?

       Find your joy.

       Make a joyful noise.

       Keep singing no matter what the appearance seems to contrarily indicate...

       And watch shift happen.

Friday, September 20, 2013


       Nobody likes being told "no."

       No one likes being made to feel rejectionable, objectionable, not chosen.

       So you avoid it, avoid opportunity, avoid "yes's" just so you wont have to hear so many "no's."

       And advice you are given says buck up, be brave, take your courage in hand & brave a land filled with the landmines of "no's" on the often off chance, after many "no's," you'll get one yes.

       That is not the right advice.
       Or it is not our advice, anyway.

       Our knowing is that you do not have to subject yourself to rejection or judgment.
       For every good opportunity you desire there is the exact opportunity meant for you, choosing you.

       There is no need to weed through a herd of wrong opportunities first.

       The trick is to fine tune your intuitive sense so that the right, & only the right, opportunities "shine" for you, and you know that is the direction, the path, the opportunity you should pursue.

       Meditation, stillness, silence all help in learning to discern your inner knowing, but so do nature, fun, a sound night's sleep, time with the cat, a walk with the dog.

       Lists & workshops do not help
       Knowing is an inside job.

       Now every once in awhile knowing does lead you to something that doesn't work out as anticipated...but if it was truly approached & applied for from a place of knowing, then what comes of it is as good or better, even if disguised in a seeming "no."
       Know yourself.
       Stop being afraid of the illusions outside of yourself as if they could ever hold a candle to the power that is your flame.

       You are All.
       One with All.
       In All.
       As All.

       You're it!
       Da Bomb!

       The be all & end all.

       Nothing can reject or judge you unless you give permission.

       Nothing can enslave or entrap you either, unless you comply.

       Nothing has a hold on you.

       You are the reason everything else -- everything you see around you (or wish you did) -- lives.

       The apple doesn't fall far from its tree, so throwing numerous apples hoping one will hit is an incorrect approach.

       Better to just pick up the right one.

       Mull on that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You are not the flock...

       Legal Name Change.
       Legal Presence Law.

       Think on these things.
       What do they mean?

       They mean someone else feels they have the right to regulate what name you are known by, who you are, whether or not you have a sanctioned (right) to be wherever you happen to be on this planet.

       Is this correct?
       Is it ethical?
       Is it okay?


       Don't just accept the continual lessening of your autonomy.
       Remember when homesteading was "legal?"

       Remember when people (& towns & countries) reinvented themselves frequently?

       Remember when native peoples the world over had no word for "vacation" and said the earth can not be owned?

       It is our right like birds in the trees to fly.

       Ponder that the next time you repeat words in a liturgy without thinking upon their literal meaning, without wondering who wrote these words down...and who has asked you to read them, live by them...
       ...and why.

       You are not the flock.

       You are each the shepherd of a joyful life.
       Your own.

       And only your own.

       Or you could be, if you rose from the stupored ranks of the deadened living, and took up your bed & walked.

       Since your mind, which is of Divine Mind, is your greatest asset, it bares keeping in mind its ability to be filled with treasures or swine.
       Best not to cast forth knowledge of each fledgling miracle to those who would crush into dust or distract with disregard.

       Rather share what is precious with those who appreciate you for the miracle you are, even as you grow, & who encourage your growth, even if it takes paths different than their own.

       Or better yet, find kindred spirits to share the adventure of trodding a similar, compatible path, and watch how miracles experienced in tandem wind up multiplying.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yes & No...a parable continued

       Even where I've not yet laid rock, the road exists, invisible, waiting.

       Grasses & dust are just as easy on my feet.
       And mud turns out to be soft & warm, even when the rain above is cold.

       "You don't pay taxes?!" they will say, aghast.

       The only thing my contributions were ever used for that I approved of were maintenance of the ways in which society kept in touch with each other...& even then, their version of paving over everything with highways & byways was ugly.
       Not how I actually wanted my money (which is really my energy) to be spent.

       Yet I do still believe in the idea of making a contribution to society.
       In sharing support for the ways we travel to see & know each other & each place.

       And so instead of locking myself in an office or store, or behind a shovel or saw, to earn green paper that can be portioned out, a bit for me, a bit for elected officials to assign to others with tan buckets & steam rollers, instead, I move a rock or 2 or 12 a day, fitting their unique shapes near each other, getting to know, to form, a surface that can be walked, that can be shared.

       I ask permission of each rock before I move it, & do not move any from which I receive a "no."

       I also ask myself with each satisfactorily placed rock, do I wish to move another today, or not?

       Sometimes I say: "yes, lets."

       And other times I say: "No, let's go lie down in that field of wild grasses and play in our mind with our eyes & the clouds in the sky instead.

       And that's what I do.