
Friday, December 13, 2013

Women's's not what you think

       Women, you must take care concerning what you put in your body.
       "I try & eat well," you say.

       This is not what we mean.

       Think about it.
       Some men are going to animal shelters & selecting kittens & puppies to torture.
       Some men are casting an eye about their neighborhood or family, selecting a child to rape.
       Some men are poisoning the environment for a living.
       Some men are picking up one sort of weapon or another to kill people they've never met in foreign lands.
       Some men are doing the same right in their own home land.
       Some men are robbing indigenous people blind.
       Some men are robbing YOU blind.
       Some men covet college girls or younger, and strive to make the world amenable to that lust.

       Who are these men & what do they have in common?

       They are the men you, women, most women, are sleeping with.

       "Not me," you say. "I've gotten a good one."

       Do the math.
       If every woman who thought she had a good man who did not rape or maim or kill or poison or embezzle or dictate or mind-control others had one, who would be left to do all the violent manipulations currently perpetrated in your world on an unbelievably huge scale?

       Face it.

       YOU are who is taking in the violent corrosive corruptive life force of the malevolently broken beings called "men" every time a penis enters your womb or semen spills into your mouth.

       Not only is this why you as a fe-male species have been unable to claim your power & stand in it to tilt the world back towards goodness, taking in this negative life force & letting it also share in yours, you in effect have been helping to power all that is not good in your world.

       You think you need & want a man because that is what you have been brainwashed to believe.
       By whom, we wonder?

       Who would benefit by keeping women's power under wraps while sucking them dry and continuing to rape & pillage & blow up the next village?

       You have been brainwashed to believe you like the penis, the semen, the roughness, the need to blank your mind so you don't see what your man is doing in the world, whether he is an accountant or a soldier, a rocker or a CEO.

       Most of you actually do not...see.

       Anyone still relatively whole does not, can not.

       For a disease can not be outgrown & clung to at the same time.

       The reason the world is so full of hatred is because you, women, continue to power those who hate.

       In fact, some of you yourselves even swim around a bit in that putrid pool now, sad, angry, bitter, competitive, psychotic.

       The answer: step back.
       Say no to taking maleness/malevolence into your bodies, your lives, your soul.      

       Give yourself the space & time to find out who you really are.
       Stand in your power.
       The power of goodness.

       See what is possible then.

This is what evolving means, step by step...

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