
Friday, September 20, 2013


       Nobody likes being told "no."

       No one likes being made to feel rejectionable, objectionable, not chosen.

       So you avoid it, avoid opportunity, avoid "yes's" just so you wont have to hear so many "no's."

       And advice you are given says buck up, be brave, take your courage in hand & brave a land filled with the landmines of "no's" on the often off chance, after many "no's," you'll get one yes.

       That is not the right advice.
       Or it is not our advice, anyway.

       Our knowing is that you do not have to subject yourself to rejection or judgment.
       For every good opportunity you desire there is the exact opportunity meant for you, choosing you.

       There is no need to weed through a herd of wrong opportunities first.

       The trick is to fine tune your intuitive sense so that the right, & only the right, opportunities "shine" for you, and you know that is the direction, the path, the opportunity you should pursue.

       Meditation, stillness, silence all help in learning to discern your inner knowing, but so do nature, fun, a sound night's sleep, time with the cat, a walk with the dog.

       Lists & workshops do not help
       Knowing is an inside job.

       Now every once in awhile knowing does lead you to something that doesn't work out as anticipated...but if it was truly approached & applied for from a place of knowing, then what comes of it is as good or better, even if disguised in a seeming "no."
       Know yourself.
       Stop being afraid of the illusions outside of yourself as if they could ever hold a candle to the power that is your flame.

       You are All.
       One with All.
       In All.
       As All.

       You're it!
       Da Bomb!

       The be all & end all.

       Nothing can reject or judge you unless you give permission.

       Nothing can enslave or entrap you either, unless you comply.

       Nothing has a hold on you.

       You are the reason everything else -- everything you see around you (or wish you did) -- lives.

       The apple doesn't fall far from its tree, so throwing numerous apples hoping one will hit is an incorrect approach.

       Better to just pick up the right one.

       Mull on that.

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