
Friday, October 31, 2014

Embrace. Unbrace.

     The young still value the old.
       They have been told it is honorable and right that they should.
       And that trust of authority figures who clothe and feed -- near -- and run everything -- far and wide -- allows a giving over of permission, of power, a trust in the provision of care, an acknowledgment in, a respect of, rules as provided by these caregivers.
       The overlays of shame and hidden forbidden lusts as drama to intrigue pervade all our senses making us want want want, even when what we receive is -- if honestly assessed -- not good, enjoyable, or desirable.
       Of course this works in both directions.
       Men do not want for long what they can easily have.
       Thus they have designed huge edifices to not only support but also make exciting the facilitiation of plugging into and sucking dry the energy sources that are women.
       So how does one end all this?
       Reclaim what it is we do and are.
       We are balanced beings who embrace and can unbrace.
       Who can ignore, leaving out in the cold, anything we no longer wish to support.
       Want to change the world?      

Change what you desire and what you allow.

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