
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Who is Responsible?

       All the wild creatures should be set free...and supported in their ability to live a free life.

       There should be no more dude ranches or aquatic parks or circuses with captured (or raised in captivity) horses, whales, seals, dolphins, elephants, rhinoceri, etc. doing tricks for mindless, popcorn-wielding humans.

       Where is your mind?
       Where is your heart?

       Anyone who can live in a world where puppy mills or factory farms flourish does not deserve to live.

       Take away another's freedom, lose your own.
       That's our motto.

       Sound violent?

       You are.

       Too harsh a judgment?

       But when have you as a species ever just done something right from the get-go, just because it was right?

       Do you realize that most other civilizations, past, present, future, find hu-mans disdainful, distasteful, repulsive, barbarically cruel?
       Repulsive & barbarically cruel.

       Sit with that.

       How does it feel to know the Universe looks down upon you & finds you severely lacking in, well, humanity?

       You never had to allow any of the things you allowed, or participated in.

       Not slavery.
       Not any of the various holocausts or genocides.
       Not torture.
       Not war.
       Not pollution.
       Not fracking.
       Not the Depression.
       Not big game hunting.
       Not human hunting.
       Not preserves or zoos.
       Not fishing or nets that trap & trash.
       Not oil spills.
       Not mind control.
       Not nuclear drones.
       Not lab experiments.
       Not mental institutions.
       Not gangs or gang rape.
       Not HAARP.
       None of it.

       All you had to do -- all you ever have to do -- is stop complying.
       Say NO.
       Keep saying no, with word & dollar, until the error fades into its native nothingness.

       But instead, you trundle along, half drugged, half numb, half asleep, allowing "them" (you) to corral & shackle your omnipotent spirit.

       Have you noticed "they" (you) are now, as a matter of course, fingerprinting everyone in America in order to renew one's driver's license, and locking an invisible physical address for each person onto that piece of ID so that you are trackable, anytime, anywhere?
       So that "they" legitimately will know where to find you, should they ever wish to, for any official, or unofficial, reason.

       What happened to privacy?
       What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

       Why are you just standing on men's lines, accepting all of this?

       Why have you accepted every bit of wrongdoing for eons now?

       Because you are weak?
       Or because you have forgotten just how powerful you are...and could be again?

       Which answer do you prefer?

       If you prefer to be weak & continue complying, than please leave the planet now.

       Take your apathy & inability & go...leaving the resuscitation of Earth to those who are reclaiming strength & pure Goodness.

       It is time for the resurrection of Self, of Love, of a reality based on Love.

       If you're not part of that solution, you're part of the problem.

       Please leave.


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