
Sunday, October 20, 2013


       You fear failure because you have been trained to fear it, to avoid it if possible, & to keep failure hidden if & when it does occur UNTIL you've come to grips with it & resurfaced somewhere which case previous failure (already overcome) makes for a good comeback story.

       Every human loves the underdog who makes good.

       Now imagine instead if you embraced failure as it happens, or in fact even CHOSE it in situations where you see you are no longer on an enjoyable path or "in the flow" of life experiences worth living.

       Imagine if you just said: hmmm, this experience sucks, think I'll call it a day & move on to something else.

       If you allowed yourself to do that, it's likely you'd fail & discard lots of substandard experiences in favor of savoring ones that suited you better.

       Imagine if you all/we all/everyone did that?

       Pure Life living itself in the highest imaginable forms, shaped by intuitive & instinctive choice...

       Heaven on Earth, perhaps?
       And sustainable.

       Failing at things not meant to work is actually not really failure at all.
       It might very well be the other side of a correct definition of success.

       Try it.
       You'll like it.

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