
Monday, May 27, 2013


       Time, on the human plane, is your most precious commodity.
       Ever wonder why you never seem to have enough of it?

       Work time, play time, time to go to bed.
       Time off, time on, time is money, errand time, chore time.
       Child time, quality time, your time, me time, the bosses time on the bosses dime, on the clock, clocked out, clocked off, significant time, wasted time, full time, part time, time to live, time to die, time to go, down time, no time like the present.

       Time travel, break time, Miller time, time line, vacation time, sick time, timeless, timely, time zone, time of your life.
       TimeLife, time waits for no man, island time, time period, time crunch, time delay, from time to time, daylight savings time.
       Past time, pastimes, high time, the best of times, the worst of times.

       Our recommendation: do not waste a second on things that do not interest you.

       How is that possible?

       Change your life.

       While time is also elastic, once you get to a certain level of demonstration (creator skills, spirit skills, wombeing skills...see all that's been previously shared), it's difficult to progress to being able to play with time, lengthening it like taffy or condensing it into the flash of an eye, if you are so tied to a human timeframe clock that your every thought is slave to someone else's idea of master.

       Break free.

       Time is your friend once you spend it in it is not a commodity to be bought or sold.

       The time of your life is yours to apportion exactly as you see fit for this lifetime.
       Do only the things you love.
       Answer to no man's whistle.
       Weave the times of your life into a tapestry you will feel proud to have created by the time your time here is done.


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