
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fantasy Harvest

       When you fantasize about things "they" want filling your consciousness (dominance and submission, rape, being surreptitiously seen in a compromising or humiliating situation, being taken, forced, coerced, shamed, scorned), guess what?
       The energy of those thoughts and your orgasms go out to provide continual fuel for the current system of imbalance.

       Ever heard of energy harvesting?
       Energy vampires?
       The concepts are real, just not in the form you've seen on TV.

       So you will have to get a grip on your thoughts and reign them in.
       Take the reins of your own life, of Life in general, back.

       Begin to reign as the Queens of Life that you are.
       Begin your Reign here on Planet Earth.
Want to experience Change?
Change what you desire and what you allow.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Women and Children First

      Those who remember or have refound their way to true soul and body unions with other balanced beings know there is no substitute.
       No comparison in the joys possible from this -vs- what humans have called sex, love, marriage here on planet earth (and other planets, sadly, as well).
       Those who have trouble imagining will just need to take our word for it, for now.
       Meanwhile, if we wish a world where there is love and energy of all kinds for all, a world without rape or violence or abuse of any kind, we will need to put our feet down and demand it.
       The men cannot take us there.
       Women and children will need to lead the way.

       The ship called earth is sinking.
       Into the life rafts everyone.

       Women and children first.      

Change what you desire and what you allow.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Embrace. Unbrace.

     The young still value the old.
       They have been told it is honorable and right that they should.
       And that trust of authority figures who clothe and feed -- near -- and run everything -- far and wide -- allows a giving over of permission, of power, a trust in the provision of care, an acknowledgment in, a respect of, rules as provided by these caregivers.
       The overlays of shame and hidden forbidden lusts as drama to intrigue pervade all our senses making us want want want, even when what we receive is -- if honestly assessed -- not good, enjoyable, or desirable.
       Of course this works in both directions.
       Men do not want for long what they can easily have.
       Thus they have designed huge edifices to not only support but also make exciting the facilitiation of plugging into and sucking dry the energy sources that are women.
       So how does one end all this?
       Reclaim what it is we do and are.
       We are balanced beings who embrace and can unbrace.
       Who can ignore, leaving out in the cold, anything we no longer wish to support.
       Want to change the world?      

Change what you desire and what you allow.

Monday, October 6, 2014


       Once powerful, to forget as if we had never known or understood that human males are an aberration. Unhealthy. Powerless without using us as fuel. As powerless as a naked amoeba lying helpless on a sidewalk in the baking sun.
       If we did not allow them, enable them, encourage them to power themselves on our life-giving shade, they would dissipate into the nothingness from whence they came...or transform into balanced beings that were no longer male.
       Why is it necessary for them to seek ever younger energy sources from which to suck?
       Because they have been running us dry.
       Full grown women are either too aware now to allow the shenanigans of old, or too on-empty, out of life fuel themselves to provide any for anyone else, no matter how much forbiddenness (adultery, rape, prison of war, torture) is heaped onto the act to sweeten the pot, or prime the male pump.
       Have you ever wondered why youth has become so idolized in western culture?
       Or why women were always married off young in primitive native cultures?

       It is because of the brainwashing possibilities inherent in breaking a spirit who has not yet come into its full strength of self...when it becomes thus unbreakable.

Change what you desire and what you allow.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Male Female Games

       Soon we will change streams and ride into a new river of understanding of what this world can actually be.
       Read: Unplugging The Patriarchy by Lucia Rene.
       Read: Access Denied for Reasons of National Security by Cathy O'Brien.
       Read: The Sisterwitch Conspiracy by Sonja Johnson.
       Read: I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood Ali.

       Just like negative and positive magnets, male and female together was created to circumvent the natural order of things so that males could drain energy of females and alter the balance and harmony of all things.
       Think of electricity.
       You plug a cord into a socket so that energy can be harvested from the source and siphoned off to power one thing or another.
       Males plug into female sockets (both literally and figuratively) to harvest electricity, energy, which is then mostly used for personal benefit rather than mutual or worldwide good...leaving females languid and happy, if lucky, or drained and lethargic if not.
       This plugging into women as an energy source is not contained only to bedroom acts.
       It is not an accident that the old saying "behind every great man is a great woman" rings so true.
       Greatness being relative, of course.

       For are the waging and winnings of war great?
       Has the raping of the earth in order to industrialize it, in the end, proved to be great?

       However women are not innocent in this ongoing rape and destruction.
       For women have provided all the support and nurturance to allow males to do the "great things" which have so overtaxed the planet's resources.

       And in thanks, males have kept women and children subjugated by covert and overt reigns of terror while forcing overpopulation of the planet so there are always a hefty supply of energy sources to feed off of as they continue, spoiled and broken, to play the war games so prevalent among the reality: boys will be boys.

       How to change this?
       Start by changing yourself.

Change what you desire and what you allow.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



       There are no "good" wars.
       There is no such thing as a "covert" or "cold" war.
       Any kind of fighting, whether overtly violent or clandestinely manipulative, is only an indication that individuals & nations have not yet evolved enough to resolve differences with mutual good will.

       The rise of the Divine Feminine on any planet has other, better ways of doing things.

       So do you.

Easiest way to see positive community or planetary change?
Start by changing your Self.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


       Think about it.

       What is it but betting against yourself?

       You'll pay & pay & pay, after proving your body or car or home or business is worthy of being insured.
       Worthy of the insurance company's trust.
       And they will quote you the greatest figure possible for the level of "protection" you desire.
       And you will all pretend as if you can now rest easy for IF something should ever happen, they will pay.

       Think again.

       Have you looked at the percentage of claims that receive payment for coverage when the time comes that it's needed?

       Have you looked at the percentage that do NOT?

       Getting any policy without first looking into current records of how the company you pay fares at doing its part of the bargain is basic business smarts.
       Otherwise you are gambling...with very bad odds.

       Have you noticed how suspicious even the idea of insurance makes us?
       As a society, we are less willing to have people over incase something befalls a visitor in our home that they then sue us for.
       We are less willing to have a dog incase it bites someone.
       We are less willing & able to start a business and survive the cash poor start-up years if premises & personnel & customers all need to be insured against mishap.
       We are less willing to help someone out at the scene of an accident or crime, lest the fact that we are not officially sanctioned to offer medical or protective aid wind up bringing a lawsuit to our door.
       We no longer want to see the world unless an umbrella of traveler's insurance covers our every move.

       This is not Life.

       This is a paper prison, that more times than not, does NOT come through should we eventually need it.

       The good news is, it's a prison of our own making.
       One we do not need to stay in.

       Take responsibility for your own body, home, business, income, Life.

       Stop supporting industries that, for the most part, want nothing more than to benefit from regular customer payments without having to ever support their customers should the time come.

       Research all the folks that had property insurance before various hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc...and notice how few companies stood by their contractual word.
       If they could get out of paying, they did.
       If there were too many legitimate claims without enough loophole escapes, the company claimed bankruptcy and did therefore not pay.

       Set aside money you could spend on such worthless "protection," & if you one day should need help, because you yourself will provide it, it will actually be there.

The easiest way to see positive changes is to change.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

"Please May I..."

       Marriage permit.
       Building permit.
       Parking permit.
       Zoning permit.
       Health permit.

       Educational permit.
       Business permit.
       Safety permit.

       Think about it.
       What is this idea of needing to apply for a "permit?"

       You are giving someone permission to give YOU permission to live & be & do.


       There can be no leaders without followers.

       All conscious beings are doing life, money, energy, time, health, and cooperation in new ways.

       The old ways are on their way out.

       If you continue to follow without questioning the procedures for living a human life that have led to all the toxicity, the inequality, the scandals, the destruction in our world, than YOU are part of the problem...not its solution.

Wake up & grow!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Debt Slavery...

       Think about it.
       If there are not enough jobs paying enough to meet all the expenses deemed necessary in your area, then there is no way everyone can be fiscally responsible & solvent.

       Thus the only alternative for all those unable to secure adequately-paying employment is either public assistance, intransigence, or debt.

       Therefore the current social system is one that has encouraged/enforced more & more of the law-abiding population towards lives of insufficiency.

       You might also want to notice that when world trade organizations go into "help" third world countries develop, what gets developed is a system of national debt that the country is unlikely to be able to pay off.

       Another word for the concept of systems of "debt" is "slavery."

Wake up & grow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To live with uncertainty...

       To live with uncertainty.
       It is the hardest yet the most constant thing.

       You wish to know everything will be okay, in the end.
       Or not.

       But you do not know.
       And the not knowing kills you.

       However, the secret to life is to not know, to live with uncertainty, & yet fully live.
       To live as if all will be well sometimes helps make it so.
       But even if it does not, is it better to live all your days in fear & trembling until?
       "In the end" is not a code to live by.
       It is a death sentence.

       For in the end, things will be ended, over, finished & done with.
       And you will no longer care so much about how it all worked out.
       Might as well live well now.
       While you can.

Wake up & grow.