
Friday, September 20, 2013


       Nobody likes being told "no."

       No one likes being made to feel rejectionable, objectionable, not chosen.

       So you avoid it, avoid opportunity, avoid "yes's" just so you wont have to hear so many "no's."

       And advice you are given says buck up, be brave, take your courage in hand & brave a land filled with the landmines of "no's" on the often off chance, after many "no's," you'll get one yes.

       That is not the right advice.
       Or it is not our advice, anyway.

       Our knowing is that you do not have to subject yourself to rejection or judgment.
       For every good opportunity you desire there is the exact opportunity meant for you, choosing you.

       There is no need to weed through a herd of wrong opportunities first.

       The trick is to fine tune your intuitive sense so that the right, & only the right, opportunities "shine" for you, and you know that is the direction, the path, the opportunity you should pursue.

       Meditation, stillness, silence all help in learning to discern your inner knowing, but so do nature, fun, a sound night's sleep, time with the cat, a walk with the dog.

       Lists & workshops do not help
       Knowing is an inside job.

       Now every once in awhile knowing does lead you to something that doesn't work out as anticipated...but if it was truly approached & applied for from a place of knowing, then what comes of it is as good or better, even if disguised in a seeming "no."
       Know yourself.
       Stop being afraid of the illusions outside of yourself as if they could ever hold a candle to the power that is your flame.

       You are All.
       One with All.
       In All.
       As All.

       You're it!
       Da Bomb!

       The be all & end all.

       Nothing can reject or judge you unless you give permission.

       Nothing can enslave or entrap you either, unless you comply.

       Nothing has a hold on you.

       You are the reason everything else -- everything you see around you (or wish you did) -- lives.

       The apple doesn't fall far from its tree, so throwing numerous apples hoping one will hit is an incorrect approach.

       Better to just pick up the right one.

       Mull on that.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

You are not the flock...

       Legal Name Change.
       Legal Presence Law.

       Think on these things.
       What do they mean?

       They mean someone else feels they have the right to regulate what name you are known by, who you are, whether or not you have a sanctioned (right) to be wherever you happen to be on this planet.

       Is this correct?
       Is it ethical?
       Is it okay?


       Don't just accept the continual lessening of your autonomy.
       Remember when homesteading was "legal?"

       Remember when people (& towns & countries) reinvented themselves frequently?

       Remember when native peoples the world over had no word for "vacation" and said the earth can not be owned?

       It is our right like birds in the trees to fly.

       Ponder that the next time you repeat words in a liturgy without thinking upon their literal meaning, without wondering who wrote these words down...and who has asked you to read them, live by them...
       ...and why.

       You are not the flock.

       You are each the shepherd of a joyful life.
       Your own.

       And only your own.

       Or you could be, if you rose from the stupored ranks of the deadened living, and took up your bed & walked.

       Since your mind, which is of Divine Mind, is your greatest asset, it bares keeping in mind its ability to be filled with treasures or swine.
       Best not to cast forth knowledge of each fledgling miracle to those who would crush into dust or distract with disregard.

       Rather share what is precious with those who appreciate you for the miracle you are, even as you grow, & who encourage your growth, even if it takes paths different than their own.

       Or better yet, find kindred spirits to share the adventure of trodding a similar, compatible path, and watch how miracles experienced in tandem wind up multiplying.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yes & No...a parable continued

       Even where I've not yet laid rock, the road exists, invisible, waiting.

       Grasses & dust are just as easy on my feet.
       And mud turns out to be soft & warm, even when the rain above is cold.

       "You don't pay taxes?!" they will say, aghast.

       The only thing my contributions were ever used for that I approved of were maintenance of the ways in which society kept in touch with each other...& even then, their version of paving over everything with highways & byways was ugly.
       Not how I actually wanted my money (which is really my energy) to be spent.

       Yet I do still believe in the idea of making a contribution to society.
       In sharing support for the ways we travel to see & know each other & each place.

       And so instead of locking myself in an office or store, or behind a shovel or saw, to earn green paper that can be portioned out, a bit for me, a bit for elected officials to assign to others with tan buckets & steam rollers, instead, I move a rock or 2 or 12 a day, fitting their unique shapes near each other, getting to know, to form, a surface that can be walked, that can be shared.

       I ask permission of each rock before I move it, & do not move any from which I receive a "no."

       I also ask myself with each satisfactorily placed rock, do I wish to move another today, or not?

       Sometimes I say: "yes, lets."

       And other times I say: "No, let's go lie down in that field of wild grasses and play in our mind with our eyes & the clouds in the sky instead.

       And that's what I do.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

No Harm Done...a parable

       There are rocks everywhere, big & small, smooth & sharp, heavy & light, porous & dense.
       The world is made of rock.
       They are abundant.

       The slabs I cannot move.
       The pebbles fit in my pocket.
       A wheelbarrow or rolling suitcase works well for those of good, durable size.

       I find them.
       I place them.
       One after the other, beside the other, fitting like puzzle pieces, all pointy ends down, anchoring into mud.

       "What are you doing?" they will ask.

       I am building a road.

       I believe in roads.
       Sure-footed paths from one place to the next.

       I believe in people visiting their neighbors.
       In change of scenery.
       In new lands & new challenges.
       In getting away.

       I do not believe in the military.
       Or enforced education.
       Or prisons.
       Or raping any land for any resource.

       I do not believe in mind control.
       Or politics.
       Or child abuse.
       Or employment.
       Or unemployment.
       Or business of any kind, really.
       I do not believe in income or expenses, in buying or selling.

       What I believe in is giving & sharing & enjoying & dancing & savoring & loving & tending & sleeping soundly every night, no harm received, no harm done.

       And so I am building this road from material already covering the surface of the earth, only not quite as neatly as my puzzle rock pieces fit together, edges nestled tighter to provide a firm walking surface that will last hundreds of years, maybe more.

       They are just beginning to recognize roads of people no one knew existed, after all, people who lived in ways & built things previously considered inconceivable for their era.

       I no longer pay taxes or work for a living because I no longer strive or struggle to get ahead.

       If I want to get anywhere, I can just walk on my road and see where it leads.

       Even where I've not yet laid rock, the road exists, invisible, waiting.