Have you noticed a rise in female villains of late, as if to say, men aren't really the bad guys. Really you can't trust ANYONE.
Have you also noticed the decline in genuine love stories, as if love is an ephemeral illusion, not really something ever actually experienced between two people? Really not something that can or should be trusted.
Throw these falsehoods in the trash & watch what blossoms.
But here's the trick: to really experience human love that is anywhere close to what is divinely possible, you must be open, trusting, vulnerable, & trustworthy.
Both of you.
One slip, betrayal, or gliding about in a muck of subterfuge & half truths, and what could have possibly been love shrivels from the pesticides intended to keep your fragile heart safe and instead keeps it always alone.
You must learn to be a person of complete integrity towards those you love.
Start small.
Practice being open, honest, vulnerable & trustworthy in situations large & small even before the one you are meant to be with appears.
Treat your pets with kindness.
Your co-workers.
Your friends.
Your Self.
Try being completely honest, in ways that more & more count.
Move away from people & situations that can't meet you there...and when love appears, you will be ready.
There are no victims, no villains.
Only womb-beings, creator beings, more & less evolved.
Evolve your Self & mingle with others who have reached the landscape of Love.
In 3D, there is nothing like loving someone & finding that they love you back...AND that both of you know HOW to love.
Music can bring you where you want to go, up or down.
Find what speaks to you.
Ride it.
It will accompany every milestone of your life.
Not much can affect a vibration as quickly, even just upon the thought of a favorite song.