
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Love & villains...

       Have you noticed a rise in female villains of late, as if to say, men aren't really the bad guys.  Really you can't trust ANYONE.

       Have you also noticed the decline in genuine love stories, as if love is an ephemeral illusion, not really something ever actually experienced between two people? Really not something that can or should be trusted.

       Throw these falsehoods in the trash & watch what blossoms.

       But here's the trick: to really experience human love that is anywhere close to what is divinely possible, you must be open, trusting, vulnerable, & trustworthy.
       Both of you.

       One slip, betrayal, or gliding about in a muck of subterfuge & half truths, and what could have possibly been love shrivels from the pesticides intended to keep your fragile heart safe and instead keeps it always alone.

       You must learn to be a person of complete integrity towards those you love.

       Start small.

       Practice being open, honest, vulnerable & trustworthy in situations large & small even before the one you are meant to be with appears.

       Treat your pets with kindness.
       Your co-workers.
       Your friends.
       Your Self.

       Try being completely honest, in ways that more & more count.

       Move away from people & situations that can't meet you there...and when love appears, you will be ready.

       There are no victims, no villains.
       Only womb-beings, creator beings, more & less evolved.

       Evolve your Self & mingle with others who have reached the landscape of Love.

       In 3D, there is nothing like loving someone & finding that they love you back...AND that both of you know HOW to love.

       Music can bring you where you want to go, up or down.

       Find what speaks to you.
       Ride it.
       It will accompany every milestone of your life.

       Not much can affect a vibration as quickly, even just upon the thought of a favorite song.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Free range home...

       In your study of anthropology, there is a state called "liminal," which is the state of in-betweenness, when the old is on its way out, and the new has not yet found its shape & form.

       This is where you are, the people of your world.

       What is, is no longer what was, but what will be is still just finding its way.

       It is a discomforting place of fathoming what was broken while finding its replacement as yet unfathomable.

       It is the place where evolution reigns.


       Do not be afraid.

       Though many huge unwieldy systems of the dominant paradigm will eventually fail, they need to fail. That is the cleansing.

       There is no need to reset the planet back to earlier norms, nor is it possible.

       The only way to go on is to go up.

       There is indeed a New World Order being born, but it is not the one some anticipate...for birth requires womb-beings, and the new order is actually the natural order of things that had just been paved over with preservatives & genetically modified ideas...for a time.

       Welcome back to real Life.
       Welcome back to your organic, free range home.

       A much nicer place to live, all who remain will find.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Golden Age...

       You have heard that entering 2013 & beyond heralded a new era in your world, a Golden Age of peace & the Divine Feminine rising, yes?
       Well, how can the Divine Feminine rise in a dimension when much of the population dismisses, is addicted to, or is repulsed by an incorrect understanding of both divinity & femininity?

       In order to get on board & fully ride the wave of this new era in the direction it's going, you will need to make peace with the divine feminine truth of your own beingness.

       None of you are hu-mans, either with or without problems.
       This is only another falsehood you have fallen for.

       What you each actually are is a divine reflection of the Infinite Presence of Creation, which in its healthy whole state is strong, balanced, & completely feminine womb-being-ness.

       Any other understanding of yourselves is incorrect, an error, a lie.

       Drop the false masks of striving or victimized females and oppressive or entitled males (co-creating & sustaining oppressive societies on an oppressed, beleaguered planet)...and step into your True Self.

       That, in essence, is exactly what is meant by a real "Golden Age of peace has arrived & the Divine Feminine is rising."

       Nothing is lost that cannot be refound.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


      Myth legitimizes life, sanctions it, gives it an authority that the mere living of one's life story does not.

       In this vein, how one "dies" is equally important to how one has lived.

       How one transitions from this life is in fact integral -- one might even say the energetic climax or culmination -- of that life story.

       So ask yourself: would a satisfying conclusion to a thrilling adventure in this game we call Life be progressive decrepitude until one succumbs to festering decay?

       How about culminating a lifetime with senseless violence (which of course includes all violence since not a bit of it makes sense in any holistically based world)?

       Or how about a nice surprising accident which happens to you from no fault of your own?

       Would this be an ending of integrity for the life you have lived?

       Or the life you'd like to be living?

       Sadly, these endings are more or less in keeping with lives as they are being lived out-of-integrity by many of you.

       But none are how true beings of wholeness transition from the realm of flesh play...
       And if you've been following our thoughts till now, you know exactly what the right goal to a life well lived is:


       Which means, though many of you are in the process of entirely changing your lives, in the end, the good news is: there is no end.

       Not a one of you will eventually need to endure a painful or bitter conclusion to a less-than-satisfactory story, which means you will all "die" (ascend) happy.

       If that's what you choose.

       And that is a goal that just might be worth learning how to really live for.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


      In a location where the sun typically rises in the east & sets in the west, the above photograph was taken of the EAST, in the late afternoon, when the sun should typically have not been around to light up the clouds.

       So who's responsible for this momentary change in the nature of things?

       I AM.
       However you prefer to define these two potent words.

       But you see the inherent problem in the idea of ever satisfactorily being able to provide proof of anything beyond dry deadened locked down creations of the kind this world is so chock full of, yes?

       Who's to say who took this photo, or whether the camera was indeed pointed east, or that it was indeed the time of sunset rather than sunrise?

       This is the same reason why people who have claimed a different body or bank account, claimed to have become "cured" of some seemingly "incurable" illness or lack, are often disbelieved.

       Maybe body or bank account were misdiagnosed?

       Or maybe the individual is lying?

       Or if not lying exactly, perhaps exaggerating or sharing wishful intensions they hope could come true...

       How can improbable things ever be proven to minds closed to possibility?

       Things change.
       Sometimes significantly.
       Sometimes backed by reasons why...& sometimes not.

       Is how something transpired more important than that it DID transpire?

       You certainly can't just take someone's word for it. That wouldn't be smart, regarding any seeming miracles...there has to be proof.

       So, yes, we are all quite wary of playing the fool, being taken in.

       Which is why we say, the only person's word you'll ever believe regarding your ability to create significant change not based on logical steps towards achieving better health in any regard--personal, interpersonal, environmental, societal, political, global, financial, unusual--is your own.

       So, go ahead, learn what there is to learn, even teach what you learn & know if you like.
       Put it into practice, experience miracles, tell yourself about them...and believe the proof of your own life...all the while getting to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.
       Quite a deal.

       No need to waste time trying to prove anything to anyone (though sharing your changes as they occur may wind up affecting someone just the same).

       For sometimes we wombeings do find comfort & inspiration from those traveling alongside us on the path.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unblocking the flow...

     Many of you have various hidden fears, not always traceable to events from the life you are living.

       For instance, many of you fear being seen or hunted or caught or locked away or experimented upon or homeless.
       You also fear being found out, exposed, punished, humiliated, killed.

       For some, there are childhood or present life or past life or ancestral cell memory reasons for these fears; others of you are just picking up on the mass patterning of the milieu.

       Whatever the case, all fears must be processed & released, or like old grease & wads of hair, they clog the drains, blocking your flow.

       Find a way to spiritually/emotionally biodegrade your own personal clogs, returning all stuck energy back into the zero point field from which it came, & get on with the joyful play of creating & living an easier, happier life. Surrounded by easier, happier people. On an easier, happier planet.

       There is no shadow too dense to be dispelled by Light.

       Though pouring in Light to dissipate a clog is quite different than climbing into your pipes & creating a new life & identity for yourself there, amidst the grease & wads of hair.
          Do you see the difference?