
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two choices...

       You have been brainwashed to be negative, to whine & complain, whether you are a red or blue sympathizer, a jew or a gentile, a tory or a rebel, a crips or a blood, you see reason to fear conspiracies in every dark corner & this brings your vibration down.

       What is important is not whether your way of life & everything you hold dear is real, or whether it is threatened, or whether you feel safe & sound...what matters is: ANY LOW VIBRATION BREEDS MORE OF THE SAME.
       It is a downpulling spiral that can only head towards more anger, more depression, more bad things happening, more hopelessness, more apathy, more lack of change, more lack of good, more lack of ability to rise into the fullness of you who are: Infinite Good. Infinite OMNIPOTENT Good.

       Being negative is a useful strategy for those preferring their power remain hidden, remain small.

       It's not a useful strategy for anyone wishing to create & live a good & healthy life, in a good & healthy society, as part of a good & healthy world.

       There are exactly two ways to break out of the pattern of being negative.

       Find the positive aspects of everything & focus on those like a laser beam, appreciating the good already evident in any specific thing/person/situation, while ignoring the rest...which will allow the spark of Good in them to appreciate, to grow.
       (It is generally possible to find something good in anyone or anything, if you are sincerely motivated to try...and anyone who wants to stop dealing with endless human crises & come into alignment with their full spiritual powers & Self is highly motivated.)  
       Rather than ignoring or shying away from what makes you miserable, turn & look, with genuine Love, genuine acceptance, at whatever has been causing a negative vibration within you & hold it in Love, bathe it in Love, welcome it, fully feel it including the burn of the fear that may accompany it, allow nothing but Love in your consciousness as you look & feel, surround with Love what you think is intending you harm...& then let it go...completely & in the care of Love...& it will transform.

       In either case, your vibration will rise from these actions, & the spell holding your Infinite Powers at bay will be broken.

       Also, you will notice how much better it feels to vibrate at a higher level than the people & situations that seemingly ensnared you towards much better & healthier, in fact, miracles are likely to appear right & left.

       Now who would conspire against the appearance of miracles?

       No one you want to know.

       But people you will be surprised to find you DO know...are in fact sometimes surrounded by...from as far away as the distant white noise of those from whom you agree to receive constant world "news" (which happens to be not at all new), to those right up close & personal, the kin that live right next to...or sometimes even within...your very own skin.

       What to do?

       You have exactly two choices if you want to raise your vibration & live in alignment with the happy, healthy, omnipotent powers that are yours to wield once you leave the downpulling influence of negative vibrational creation behind...

       See above.


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