
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The God complex...

       The ideas regarding an infinite presence in your world is a ball of yarn so snarled, most of you seem to either be a somewhat addicted, obsessive believer in one particular religion's version of God...or a somewhat revulsed, repulsed non-believer in serious reaction against any & all mention of any version of any religion's ideas about any God whatsoever.

       Neither of which allow you to access your own connection to the power of creation.

       This is handy if your goal is to be a small, powerless being buffeted about by one quandary, conundrum, & catastrophe after another.

       It is also handy towards filling the coffers & stroking the egos of any who have deemed themselves the sole spokesperson for God.

       It is not, however, at all effective if the goal is knowing who you truly are, liking who that is, living a life worthy of an aspect of the divine, & turning the energy of your world back towards balance, health, wholeness.

       To do that, you must develop your own conversation with the peace that is inner god...the inner meaning within each & every one of you, regardless of religious affiliations, or perhaps in spite of.

       You do not have to call this conversation "prayer."

       Though you can, if you want to.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Sleeping with the enemy...

       Sleeping with the enemy drains your life force, no two ways about it.
       Always has.
       Always will.

       And by sleeping we mean both having sexual relations, & actual sleep; any type of being in close life proximity with, i.e. any form of intimacy.

       Therefore you cannot change yourself, your life, or the world for the better if you are engaging in any kind of intimacy with a downpulling being, male or female.
       It is simply impossible to rise vibrationally while your vibration is draining downwards at the same time.

       Many of you, still trapped in misguided relations out of misguided needs for what you call "love," affection, or for economic reason, or out of habit, will find this idea distressing.
       The thought of making any kind of change will fill you with dread & feel overwhelming, even if other things we have shared have made you feel hopeful & light.

       This is because sleeping with the enemy by definition relegates you to the position of lethargic host drained by too many suckers sipping at your fountain of youth.

       Cut a few of them off & see how your energy levels begin to replenish.
       Suddenly you'll be cleaning that garage at 2 AM singing, with ample energy to take on your next New Year's resolution the following day.

       The truth of this becomes especially clear when you cut off the big downpullers in your life, the ones closest to you, with most access.
       Suddenly--after a brief time of mourning that won't be nearly as bad (or last nearly as long) as you've been led to believe--you'll have time & energy to start that new venture you've always longed for, or to write that great evolutionary novel.

       And here's the biggest secret of all: when you stop sleeping with the enemy & begin living a life that vibrates consistently higher, Real Love will then have a chance to find you.

       For what you call love is like ingesting old, off-brand dog food compared to savoring the best meal you can imagine, perfectly prepared...which is the nature of genuine love between beings of worth.

       Most of you have not yet experienced this in any lasting way.

       Something to look forward to.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Two choices...

       You have been brainwashed to be negative, to whine & complain, whether you are a red or blue sympathizer, a jew or a gentile, a tory or a rebel, a crips or a blood, you see reason to fear conspiracies in every dark corner & this brings your vibration down.

       What is important is not whether your way of life & everything you hold dear is real, or whether it is threatened, or whether you feel safe & sound...what matters is: ANY LOW VIBRATION BREEDS MORE OF THE SAME.
       It is a downpulling spiral that can only head towards more anger, more depression, more bad things happening, more hopelessness, more apathy, more lack of change, more lack of good, more lack of ability to rise into the fullness of you who are: Infinite Good. Infinite OMNIPOTENT Good.

       Being negative is a useful strategy for those preferring their power remain hidden, remain small.

       It's not a useful strategy for anyone wishing to create & live a good & healthy life, in a good & healthy society, as part of a good & healthy world.

       There are exactly two ways to break out of the pattern of being negative.

       Find the positive aspects of everything & focus on those like a laser beam, appreciating the good already evident in any specific thing/person/situation, while ignoring the rest...which will allow the spark of Good in them to appreciate, to grow.
       (It is generally possible to find something good in anyone or anything, if you are sincerely motivated to try...and anyone who wants to stop dealing with endless human crises & come into alignment with their full spiritual powers & Self is highly motivated.)  
       Rather than ignoring or shying away from what makes you miserable, turn & look, with genuine Love, genuine acceptance, at whatever has been causing a negative vibration within you & hold it in Love, bathe it in Love, welcome it, fully feel it including the burn of the fear that may accompany it, allow nothing but Love in your consciousness as you look & feel, surround with Love what you think is intending you harm...& then let it go...completely & in the care of Love...& it will transform.

       In either case, your vibration will rise from these actions, & the spell holding your Infinite Powers at bay will be broken.

       Also, you will notice how much better it feels to vibrate at a higher level than the people & situations that seemingly ensnared you towards much better & healthier, in fact, miracles are likely to appear right & left.

       Now who would conspire against the appearance of miracles?

       No one you want to know.

       But people you will be surprised to find you DO know...are in fact sometimes surrounded by...from as far away as the distant white noise of those from whom you agree to receive constant world "news" (which happens to be not at all new), to those right up close & personal, the kin that live right next to...or sometimes even within...your very own skin.

       What to do?

       You have exactly two choices if you want to raise your vibration & live in alignment with the happy, healthy, omnipotent powers that are yours to wield once you leave the downpulling influence of negative vibrational creation behind...

       See above.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Everyday miracles...

       Since your mind, which is of Divine Mind, is your greatest asset, it bares keeping in mind its ability to be filled with treasures or swill.

       Best not to cast forth knowledge of each fledgling miracle to those who would crush into dust, or distract with disregard.
       Rather, share what is precious with those who appreciate you for the miracle you are, even as you grow, & who encourage your growth even if it takes paths different than their own.

       Or better yet, find kindred spirits to share the adventure of similar, compatible paths & watch how miracles experienced in tandem multiply, magnifying themselves, increasing in depth & scope until what was a miracle only yesterday, today is commonplace...
       And what was unfathomable, inconceivable, yesterday is the miracle of tomorrow.

       Like cells replicating, daughter to daughter.

       Like attracts like.
       Like breeds like.
       Like become Life.

       Don't believe in miracles?
       See what one woman expressing Divine Mind while releasing limits of age, possessions, money (but not purpose) was able to accomplish while living in the very same world all humans are currently shedding...


Sunday, February 17, 2013



       Where do you get yours?

       It can come from anywhere, the whisper of trees, the murmur of a loved one, words on a page.
       The best inspiration comes as uncomplicated Truth from within, & you can verify its Truth with a capital T if it reflects only good, with nary a sniff of potential harm for anyone or anything in sight (insight).
       i.e. inspiration that claims God's call to arms, to covetousness, to dishonesty, to subjugation, to any form of death is not Truth, nor is it inspiring.

       And this goes double for inspiration found in books, sacred or otherwise.

       If by God you mean Source, the Creative Force, the All That Is of which you & everything else is a part, Divine Love, than inspiration from that source can only be wholey good (holy), completely loving towards all.

       There are no exceptions to this rule.
       It is the only commandment that effectively covers all else.

       So, killing in the name of Love is not love.

       Nor is killing in order to rule.

       Ponder this the next time you repeat words in a liturgy without thinking upon their literal meanings, without wondering who wrote the words down.
       And who has asked you to know them.
       And why.

       You are not the flock.

       You are each the shepherd of a joyful Life.
       Your own.

       And only your own.

       Or you could be, if you rose from the stupored ranks of those living dead, deadened, and took up your bed & walked.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

The education of You...

       For the resistant turtles among you, begin slow.
       Perhaps leave one employ for a less hated replacement enroute to a fullfledged life you could love.

       Moving into Truth does not have to be an all or nothing, sink or swim proposition.
       It is possible to coast on a board for a time, first lying, then sitting, then standing...and eventually catching the wave without any sort of crutch at all, your bare essence completely one with the rushing momentum of the sea.

       The most important thing is to see the current game for what it is, Death rather than Life, & choose more wisely where you will allow yourself to live.

       Think on these things:

       What is school in your world & what is taught, learned, there?

       Whatever amount of education you had, did it take you where you most wanted to go, be?

       Can you imagine a world where learning happens differently? Where all that one can ever want or need to know is accessed from within at any time, rather than being taught, sourced, from some external time, place, person without?

       Can you imagine a world with no need for jobs or retirement safety nets?

       A world with no interest in bank accounts, cash, or credit?
       Can you imagine a world without factory farms or assembly line agriculture? With no need for groceries or grocery stores?

       A world where anything can be instantly manifested & played with?

       This all & more is your divine birthright.

       The only reason you feel such things are impossible is because you have been taught to think so.



      The skeptics among you, intrigued enough to keep reading, are no doubt shaking their heads by now & relegating these thoughts to the realm of science fiction.

       Which is one way to look at unfamiliar ideas, as stories or myth, i.e. not real.
       (And folk of such opinions will be shocked when they at some point learn just how much literal reality lives in fairy & allegorical literal as anything can be in a holographic reality.)

       However skepticism always makes us smile, knowing how differently each one of you feels just as soon as you put the ideas we're discussing into practice & find yourself faced with a miracle of your own making for which there is no explanation other than that you ARE an Infinite Being, omnipotent, & all that we've shared with you is actually True.

       We celebrate the Truth with each & every one of you as you arrive.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Creation = practice not theory...

    Just because death = an illusion is no reason to kill.

       Every being wants their time in the sun to play; that's what they came into beingness for...& no other being has the right to enact a foreshortening of it.

       So why were men dangerous?
       Only because they changed the nature of the game.

       From play to work.
       From work to survival.
       From surviving to not surviving.
       From not surviving to death.

       The game of Life became a vast monopoly board, rather than spoken word poetry danced with graceful abandon while sinking shot after unsinkable shot into fathomless baskets to the joyous roar of an infinite crowd.

       Creation become theory rather than practice.

       Life became about preparing to die.

       Which is not a very fun game.

       Makes you wonder, if that's all there is & ever was to Life, why bother?
       Why come here?
       Why play?

       You've all heard that the Divine Feminine is rising, well, this is it.
       This is how she rises & reclaims her place as the holy whole.
       The Mother of All.
       Goodness reclaimed.

       There is no divine trinity, no father son & holy ghosts.
       By now you recognize the reasons behind each falsehood, don't you?

       Any manipulation has an outer surface to cover its inner goal.

       You've lived the male men's goal...
       Now the time has come to instead Live.

       This time was always going to come, no matter how violently they suppressed against it.
       For in reality, good is all there is.
       So it must always rise, even against all seeming tides & odds, like cream, to the top.
       Except there is no top, & therefore no bottom.
       There is only Life, joyful play, here as a game of flesh & sensation, elsewhere about other experiences.

       Some of you already know this.
       Some of you have enjoyed Life on many planes, as indeed all of you can, if you choose.

       For living is all about choices.
       When do you choose to rebel or comply?
       Where do you choose to play & with whom?
       How long do you wish to stay here or be there?

       That is the actual wombeing game, in your world & in ours.
       And it's quite enjoyable when the choices are all good, like chocolate ice cream -vs- butter pecan.
       Or perhaps you'd prefer some broccoli in a French sauce?

       There is no right or wrong when all the choices are good, when neither hurts anyone or anything, when the concept of winners is obsolete since no one ever loses & there is nothing to lose.

       You find this hard to imagine in a world that's been designed to be lose-lose for most of the players.
       i.e. should the electricity bill be paid, or should you purchase food?
       Should you leave hated employment to pursue a desired love of art, though that comes with no guaranteed income, nevermind a retirement package?

       The answer is yes.
       But only as you develop the spirit skills necessary to ride this time of transition well.

       There is no point to another artist starving or succumbing to addiction or going mad.
       One can enjoy living a life one loves only when a certain level of being in the world yet not of it has been mastered so that daily bread, in all its forms, is easily created, day in & day out, reliably so.

       Of course we can tell you that this is possible, & you can even believe it, but that is different from you yourself actually demonstrating in tangible form an intimate understanding of its Truth.

       It is one thing to know a yogi in India can vanquish errant cancer cells as easily as thinking them gone.
       Beautiful but abstract.

       It is quite another thing for you, a non-yogi, only half alive in a suburb or city somewhere, to do so.
       But then how much more beautiful & potent once you do, for then the Truth, while always true, is no longer abstract for you, but real.
       Fully 100% real & alive, for you, & in you, & at your disposal from then on.

       Some of you will get this right away.

       Some of you are already racking up demonstrations, miracles large & small, since the first day you found us (or some other source of knowledge) & began absorbing these ideas, re-patterning your programming, regenerating your brains & bodies & lives.

       Some of you were already demonstrating with aplomb, following your inner guidance.
       And some of you will stick a tentative toe in the water, hardly believing such outlandish claims could ever be true.
       Ah, but wouldn't it be great--so freeing--if they are?
       Give it a try & see.

       There are people on your planet livng entirely without the use of money.
       It is possible.
       You do not have to choose to.
       But you should know that this--& many other things you can hardly fathom in your current state of choicelessness--are a viable choice:

       Happy exploring.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Regrowing broken bones...

       "Know thyself," was said in wombeing wisdom, as was "Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world.  Indeed it's the only thing that ever has."

       It's like riding the swells of the sea: you're either riding them, or you're swallowing saltwater.
       You're either up on a board, or you're not.

       Either way, you can't mistake where you are at: waiting, ecstatically riding a wave, or struggling not to drown.

       Lizards can regrow lost tails, lobsters lost claws, sharks lost teeth.

       As can you.

       Many of you have some combination of saurine, simian, reptilian, aquatic, or star beingness somewhere in your ancestry afterall.

       It is no different than skin mending cut seams or broken bones returning to wholeness.

       Many of you already know this, have experienced in one form or another a return to organic unbrokenness after a seeming break.

       These among you understand that you always have access to another reality, it's just a matter of will reaching out to meet the divine all that is, which is really just another aspect of the same thing: Creation. The creative force. Life. Your Life.

       It is not a Truth, not a possibility only for some.

       What is True for one must be inherently True for all, and the way of Beingness is just such a Truth.

       Try it.

       You'll like feeling less fragile, you'll see.

Friday, February 8, 2013


       Fear not.

       We understand the journey of a thousand miles from where you have been to where you are going leaves you with many questions, and entails much repatterning of both thoughts & lives.
       We will continue to accompany you.

       So, today...

       Moon beams.
       Moon beings.

       Are there other beings in the universe besides the type that you know?

       In a word, yes.

       What is the proper relationship with them?

       The same kindness expected & expressed by all womb-beings: first do no harm.

       As you regenerate health in yourselves & your own planet, interacting with others in a well way will become more possible.

       Mind that you aim for wombeing to wombeing connection, as yours is not the only world in which the male mutation took hold.

       If you begin to feel the desire to express appreciation for the ideas we are sharing, we encourage you to send support of time, love, energy, money not to us, but to those wombeings already actualized & doing good work in your world.

       We ourselves need no money nor thanks.

       As Infinite Beings awake to our full magnificence, the world is our oyster & we are its pearl.
       Everything we desire that is in alignment with all Good, we can manifest ourselves, with ease.

       As you too are able.

       For by practicing the adventures of becoming more & more who you in Truth are, there is less need for outside help (or permission) in all areas of Life.

       Still, in your world, it's a journey, to return to the full power of being the One.

       Those a bit further on the path than you will appreciate your appreciation.
       Good person to good person is usually more effective than drops in the bucket of organization.

       Give freely, but womb-being wisely.

       Give only in love, never with expectation of a return.

       The wisest gift that can be shared is to return to health, shedding false cells, false environment, recalling one's own power.

       Step onto firm soil of the new day, & then share how you got there so all can, sooner or later, arrive there too.


       There is no such thing as junk DNA or useless brain cells.
       All of you is meant to be used, to be honed, toned, grown.
       Power is not a muscle, it is an energy, the point where the force of your will & the divine all that is meet & create.

       This can appear like magic.

       But it is really just you being You.

       Everything we have spoken of thus far is always just about you becoming more You.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

One Billion Rising...

       Join the rising. Join the dance.

       It is time to celebrate & transform your cells.

       We have given you all you need for right now...
       Master these things.

       Master the creation of living a good, happy, harm-free Life.

       Master the art of saying no to death.
       Any kind of death.
       Any kind of deadening.

       Allow the old to fall away & be replenished by goodness from the deep.

       Allow yourself to be You, & others to be whomever they will be.

       Extract yourself from any harmful beings.

       True Beingness is a gift, a privilege, a right.
       Savor the sweetness.
       Feel your cells rise.

       We are all friends here.
       What's good for one is good for the One.

       "This too shall pass" no longer applies, it is a slogan for hard times, to encourage endurance when upheaval is more appropriate.

       Appropriate your planet, your life, your Self.

       Be free.
       You are this world's path to long-awaited freedom.

       The Infinite within you is the key that unlocks every barred door.

       You are true power.
       It is your center & your circumference.
       Use it wisely, with womb-being wisdom.

       Become an army of womyn living life to the fullest & well.
       That is our gift to you.
       The gift of lives, days, nights, well lived.

       Love to you all, sister cells.
       Sisters of the road, sisters for Life.

       Our Love to you All.
       To your infinite potential...the potential to be Infinite.

       The Womb-being way: A life lived well.
       Well as in health.
       Well as in sweet.
       Well as in happy.
       Well as in a deep spring of joy.

       One billion of you are rising to dance this Valentines Day, February 14th, 2013:

       Join the rising.
       Join the dance.

       It is indeed time to celebrate the changes that have come.


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Peace tools...

       We cannot force feed you nor nurture you from a baby's bottle.
       Waking up to your full power is your job.
       Your journey.

       But here's a clue:
       If a part of your body, say your feet, are cold, & you focus upon them with the loving intent of warming them up, energy & blood stirs & flows...surges, right there, warming them, flooding them with Life.
       This has been proven, even within your limited scientific models, for example, in studies on biofeedback.

       Isn't that something?

       You can experiment on your own & find practical answers as well, answers public forums may not yet be making available to the actual public.

       What about fear?
       What about violence?

       There may be times you decide in the heat of a moment to fight fire with fire, but the energy of violence only feeds on itself, creating more.

       So if the goal is peace, this is not the most effective choice.

       A better choice is to vibrationally alter the situation in a way harmless to all, harmful to none.

       You could dart from here to a far away there, for instance, & thus be out of (the illusion of) harm's way.

       Or beam Love at any who think evil upon you, & watch the situation transform.

       Or process your belief in reasons to fear, thus disengaging fear's compelling hold on you.

       Even in your world there are stories of those accused, hiding surrounded by guns, who managed to release fear long enough to come out of the building singing.
       And those holding the guns found themselves somehow unable to shoot.

       There are stories of elderly pilgrims for peace standing between raging maleness & a child, beaming Love, disarming the giant.

       There are many many stories of a being feeling intuitively when (the illusion of) danger was near, and not opening the door, taking a different path, going to a friend's house instead of directly home.

       You probably already know a good number of stories yourself where violence was thwarted or miraculously disarmed.

       Think on these things.
       See how it was done.
       Add new ideas to your arsenal of gentle peace tools.

       The key is to vibrate higher than the illusion.